Message from @rednaxela

Discord ID: 585712393003335682

2019-06-05 06:08:03 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:08:07 UTC  

Now you're moving back again.

2019-06-05 06:08:09 UTC  

Stop backtracking.

2019-06-05 06:08:11 UTC  

That's where I brought up taxes

2019-06-05 06:08:17 UTC  

*"That's not moving the goalposts. That be like if I talked about how Another planned economies policies affected taxes and you said, "We're talking about central planning, not taxes." Taxes, like trade policy, is a tool that the central planner can't wield efficiently."*

2019-06-05 06:08:21 UTC  

This is where you did.

2019-06-05 06:08:24 UTC  

You asked where the word privatization was

2019-06-05 06:08:39 UTC  

**"taxes, like trade policy, is a tool that the central planner can't wield efficiently."** So you're saying you didn't say this?

2019-06-05 06:09:18 UTC  

I'm asking a second time, or else we'll just end the discussion here, provide any evidence that the countries in question actually allowed planners to put up protectionist barriers.

2019-06-05 06:10:01 UTC  

I'm on @VoVoDoCo side

2019-06-05 06:10:03 UTC  

The arguing wasn't revolving around taxes. You said we weren't discussing protectionism. Therefore I wasn't allowed to bring it up. I was saying that was like saying that I couldn't bring up taxes. It's absurd.

2019-06-05 06:10:16 UTC  

Nobody cares, people who got the majority behind them tend to be in the wrong @rednaxela

2019-06-05 06:10:25 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:10:34 UTC  

Then don't mention it.

2019-06-05 06:10:36 UTC  

It's that simple

2019-06-05 06:10:45 UTC  

Just the fact that your brain works that way is sad

2019-06-05 06:10:50 UTC  

If you don't want it to be discussed or used against you, don't write it.

2019-06-05 06:10:57 UTC  

"oh this has a lot of support? Must be bad"

2019-06-05 06:11:20 UTC  

"Stopping murder? A lot of people support that. Must be bad"

2019-06-05 06:11:36 UTC

2019-06-05 06:11:56 UTC  

But your way of thinking is absolutely idiotic

2019-06-05 06:12:09 UTC  

What was your argument then @Deleted User

2019-06-05 06:12:12 UTC  

You've yet to demonstrate that.

2019-06-05 06:12:29 UTC  

Just because someone has a lot of support dies not mean they are in the wrong

2019-06-05 06:12:43 UTC  

That people are too ignorant and unknowing to actually draw sound economic and social policies, and that if people were given all the power to do so, a country would gradually enter an era of stagnation.

2019-06-05 06:12:58 UTC  

In other words, if the majority were to choose a country wouldn't be doing well

2019-06-05 06:13:02 UTC  

Okay. That makes sense.

2019-06-05 06:13:02 UTC  

GG @rednaxela, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-06-05 06:13:08 UTC

2019-06-05 06:13:19 UTC  

But the way you interpreted it into this conversation didn't make sense

2019-06-05 06:13:26 UTC  

You've yet to prove that it was the planners that drew these plans

2019-06-05 06:13:51 UTC  

The central government of policy makers aren't "planners," a planner is a bureaucrat who're to a minor extent detatched from the party and the leader.

2019-06-05 06:14:21 UTC  

Many of such economic policies were drawn up by Hitler's economist at Hitler's beheast, in other words, no real planners were actually used to create Hitler's economy.

2019-06-05 06:14:36 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:14:51 UTC  

Semantics? Not really.

2019-06-05 06:15:03 UTC  

We're not debating semantics, I'm just using the term planner in a correct manner.

2019-06-05 06:15:06 UTC  

Protectionism certainly wasn't a result of consumer choices. It was a result of the government.

2019-06-05 06:15:16 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:15:27 UTC  

Just to make sure we're on the same page, which textbook definition of planner arevyou using?

2019-06-05 06:15:31 UTC  

Source please

2019-06-05 06:15:53 UTC  
