Message from @VoVoDoCo

Discord ID: 585713189409521664

2019-06-05 06:10:50 UTC  

If you don't want it to be discussed or used against you, don't write it.

2019-06-05 06:10:57 UTC  

"oh this has a lot of support? Must be bad"

2019-06-05 06:11:20 UTC  

"Stopping murder? A lot of people support that. Must be bad"

2019-06-05 06:11:36 UTC

2019-06-05 06:11:56 UTC  

But your way of thinking is absolutely idiotic

2019-06-05 06:12:09 UTC  

What was your argument then @Deleted User

2019-06-05 06:12:12 UTC  

You've yet to demonstrate that.

2019-06-05 06:12:29 UTC  

Just because someone has a lot of support dies not mean they are in the wrong

2019-06-05 06:12:43 UTC  

That people are too ignorant and unknowing to actually draw sound economic and social policies, and that if people were given all the power to do so, a country would gradually enter an era of stagnation.

2019-06-05 06:12:58 UTC  

In other words, if the majority were to choose a country wouldn't be doing well

2019-06-05 06:13:02 UTC  

Okay. That makes sense.

2019-06-05 06:13:02 UTC  

GG @rednaxela, you just advanced to level 9!

2019-06-05 06:13:08 UTC

2019-06-05 06:13:19 UTC  

But the way you interpreted it into this conversation didn't make sense

2019-06-05 06:13:26 UTC  

You've yet to prove that it was the planners that drew these plans

2019-06-05 06:13:51 UTC  

The central government of policy makers aren't "planners," a planner is a bureaucrat who're to a minor extent detatched from the party and the leader.

2019-06-05 06:14:21 UTC  

Many of such economic policies were drawn up by Hitler's economist at Hitler's beheast, in other words, no real planners were actually used to create Hitler's economy.

2019-06-05 06:14:36 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:14:51 UTC  

Semantics? Not really.

2019-06-05 06:15:03 UTC  

We're not debating semantics, I'm just using the term planner in a correct manner.

2019-06-05 06:15:06 UTC  

Protectionism certainly wasn't a result of consumer choices. It was a result of the government.

2019-06-05 06:15:16 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:15:27 UTC  

Just to make sure we're on the same page, which textbook definition of planner arevyou using?

2019-06-05 06:15:31 UTC  

Source please

2019-06-05 06:15:53 UTC  


2019-06-05 06:15:57 UTC  

I always use oxford

2019-06-05 06:16:17 UTC  

Though, the word "planner" isn't actually existant in the context of the discussion.

2019-06-05 06:16:43 UTC  

Then why are you debating its definition?

2019-06-05 06:16:48 UTC  

We're not, you are.

2019-06-05 06:18:31 UTC  

I didn't even resume this debate. I simply corrected your assumption that I was actually giving an argument revolving around taxes, which I wasn't. Then you ask me to provide evidence that the countries in question actually allowed planners to put a protectionist barriers.

2019-06-05 06:18:49 UTC  

So u started the discussion on planners.

2019-06-05 06:19:09 UTC  

Also pull up the Oxford link

2019-06-05 06:19:22 UTC  

Post it

2019-06-05 06:21:29 UTC  

I started the discussion on planners? You were the first one to mention them, don't blame others for your own misguidance. Secondly, I didn't start a discussion of semantics, that'd mean that I'd question your definition and start discussion the definition of the term. That was you, not me

2019-06-05 06:22:21 UTC  

I said planners first. I wasn't actually making an argument about planners. I was comparing how absurd it was to prohibit talking about protectionism in regards to centralized planning.

2019-06-05 06:22:50 UTC

2019-06-05 06:23:02 UTC  

Please tell me how the area in yellow is relevant to what I wrote

2019-06-05 06:24:01 UTC  

You were telling me that I couldn't talk about protectionism, because that's wasn't the topic at hand. I said bullshit. My argument was that with that logic, I shouldn't be allowed to talk about taxes and centralized planning. I finished off by saying that taxes are like trade policy, and finished with a roast.

2019-06-05 06:24:25 UTC  

Also ,you completely ignore my major point and blame Spain for having a plan economy; with little evidence to back up either. Fact is, Spain and Italy didn't have as high consumption due to a lack of industrialization, not a plan economy.

2019-06-05 06:25:51 UTC  

*"Spanish industrialization was characterized both by the early appearance
of cotton textiles and by the late development of capital goods industries.
In terms of the Hoffmann index, the ratio of consumers’ to producers’
goods failed to change prior to the First World War. Thus whereas Spain
was at the first stage in 1860, together with countries such as Belgium,
France, Germany, Austria, Russia, and Sweden, in 1910 it was
accompanied by Russia only. Spain entered the second stage belatedly in
the 1920s, and the third stage in the late 1950s and early 1960s.28 In
the words of Nadal, ‘the case of Spain is less that of a latecomer than
that of an attempt, largely thwarted, to join the ranks of the first comers’"*