Message from @Gerry

Discord ID: 592835616140427285

2019-06-23 11:24:56 UTC  

I guess ur right

2019-06-23 16:36:37 UTC  

i tried to transfer 100$ from paypal to my card
and all it did was charge my paypal 100$ and my card 100$
no fucking idea where the money went
so they just deleted 200$ from me wtf

2019-06-23 16:45:22 UTC  


2019-06-23 16:45:30 UTC  

call them @TheNobody

2019-06-23 16:45:55 UTC  

@michael when they answer

2019-06-23 16:47:46 UTC  


2019-06-24 21:43:53 UTC  

I love the idea of cancelling the current student debt

2019-06-24 21:47:47 UTC  

@Deleted User That is an absolutely terrible, terrible idea

2019-06-24 21:48:13 UTC  

Why so ?

2019-06-24 21:49:21 UTC  

I currently suffer from immense debt because I am in the right place where my parents made just enough that financial aid said nah you dont need it cause your parents make too much. So I had to take out a fuck ton of loans

2019-06-24 21:49:43 UTC  

Because it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to pay for the student debt of somebody else. Getting an education and taking out loans to do so is a personal investment, the idea is that if the money you are spending on a degree is worth the cost, then you can pay it back yourself.

2019-06-24 21:50:24 UTC  

That's part of being an adult and having personal responsibility. Absolving all student debt teaches this generation that the government will just bail you out if you make a bad investment, at the expense of the taxpayer.

2019-06-24 21:51:43 UTC  

Not to mention it's a big "Fuck you" to any adult who was responsible enough to major in a field with a good potential salary and payed their student debt back. A free ride for others at the expense of those who payed for their own debt? What a terrible precedent to set

2019-06-24 21:52:56 UTC  

Well today's world require people with a bachelor's degree to get a well paying job.

2019-06-24 21:52:56 UTC  

GG @Deleted User, you just advanced to level 5!

2019-06-24 21:53:20 UTC  

Wrong, entirely wrong. You do not *need* to go to college to have a good paying job. It helps, but it's not the sole route

2019-06-24 21:53:28 UTC  

Oh no ?

2019-06-24 21:53:53 UTC  

You can go to trade school, work your way up to middle management at a job that begins at minimum wage, etc

2019-06-24 21:56:10 UTC  

Which I was going to mention. However, the societal norm as well is seen as if trade school is frowned upon and many people do not want to do that. Many jobs these days that are outside the realm of trade school require a degree.

2019-06-24 21:57:04 UTC  

Exactly, that's a big societal problem, that you *need* a degree to succeed. There are other routes in life, and if you choose not to take them, and end up choosing a bad major which you cannot easily pay back, that's not my responsibility to pay for.

2019-06-24 21:57:05 UTC  

Join the military

2019-06-24 21:57:14 UTC  

^ That's another route one can take

2019-06-24 21:57:18 UTC  

You can get a great education there

2019-06-24 21:57:25 UTC  

For free

2019-06-24 21:57:33 UTC  

Plus you get paid for being there

2019-06-24 21:57:48 UTC  

And you are guaranteed a job

2019-06-24 21:57:56 UTC  

Yea, and you typically have a job lined up within the military. They give you a full ride education with the agreement that you'll provide your skills for the military

2019-06-24 21:57:59 UTC  

Also people are expected to pay 400-500 a month for their payments depending on how much they owe. Yet they have to get a job that pays not as much and have to balance hey do I eat this week or do I pay for this loan ?

2019-06-24 21:58:12 UTC  

Ok not everyone can join the military

2019-06-24 21:58:47 UTC  

It is becoming harder to join the military as well as rentention rates and recruiting rates are down

2019-06-24 21:59:06 UTC  

@Deleted User If somebody was forced to get a student loan then yea, you might have an arguement. However that is a choice a person made. Besides, any loan that requires a 500 a month payment will be netting in much more than that for the person who took the loan out

2019-06-24 22:00:09 UTC  

I might have an arguement? Most people going to college today have to get some sort of loan in order to pay for an expense in college

2019-06-24 22:00:17 UTC  

The simple fact is, out of numerous viable life paths, a person choice to get a college degree at that time of their life, and not only that, but apparently choice a degree that has not allowed them to pay off their loan. 4 years and $120,000 into a drama degree will probably not give you a goo return

2019-06-24 22:00:39 UTC  

@Deleted User Yes, but nobody is forcing them to go to college at that point in their life

2019-06-24 22:00:54 UTC  

What's wrong with, say, working 5-6 years after high school, saving your money, and then getting a degree?

2019-06-24 22:01:25 UTC  

There are many viable paths, the specific one that a person has chosen, that leads to debt, is not the fault nor the responsibility of the taxpayer

2019-06-24 22:01:35 UTC  

Because most these days are insisting on you going to college or getting out of the house and finding your own job and place to live

2019-06-24 22:02:02 UTC  

Who is insisting? Society?

2019-06-24 22:02:07 UTC  

How about education not be a privilege?.

2019-06-24 22:02:09 UTC  

Yea society

2019-06-24 22:02:15 UTC  

Answer me this, is anybody being compelled, by force, to go to college?