Message from @Platinum Spark

Discord ID: 638748839729430542

2019-10-29 14:04:43 UTC  

and my whole critique about supply curves not existing is purely that *firm supply curves, by the definition used by neoclassicals, do not typically exist, and if they do, they might be defined in only a very small region of the domain*

2019-10-29 14:05:37 UTC  

if you aggregated these poorly defined supply curves, you could still get a market curve which exists, but it would also have some definitional problems in certain domains, especially in imperfect markets (basically every market)

2019-10-29 14:06:39 UTC  

and in certain cases, you could be trying to aggregate firm supply curves which *all* arent defined, which means the market supply curve would be undefined

2019-10-29 14:07:16 UTC  

so its like, okay, you have serious problems with even getting a well defined supply curve, let alone an *accurate* one

2019-10-29 14:09:12 UTC  

and even on the miraculous occasion where you get a well-defined, accurate (by neoclassical methodology, this accuracy will never exist because firms do not set their prices to be that of marginal costs) market/firm supply curve, *the passage of time ensures that its no longer accurate*

2019-10-29 14:09:30 UTC  

because the supply curve will alter with time

2019-10-29 14:09:56 UTC  

so you have to go through the painstaking (impossible) process to derive the supply curve again, only for it to *almost instantly* be inaccurate

2019-10-29 14:29:10 UTC  

also elasticity of secondary products is extremely low because of firm practices; when demand spikes (a lot more quantity is sold) they increase production rather than their price (for competitive + consumer loyalty reasons, and because they operate *well* below capacity with decreasing/flat marginal costs), so again, even if you could actually find yourself a nice supply curve, you wouldve saved far more time by just asking the firm what their pricing practices are, or assuming that production is increased instead of prices (a far more realistic assumption than anything in neoclassical econ)

2019-10-29 14:29:37 UTC  

supply curves for anything other than primary products is a waste of fucking time

2019-10-29 14:33:19 UTC  

its embarrassing to see you try to defend them

2019-10-29 14:37:19 UTC  

a screenshot from 09/04/2019?

2019-10-29 14:37:30 UTC  

this argument goes back a long way

2019-10-29 14:37:42 UTC  

no shit, i needed a time machine to get context on that one

2019-10-29 14:38:42 UTC  

They’re not “a waste of fucking time”

2019-10-29 14:38:49 UTC  

what a sick counterargument

2019-10-29 14:38:53 UTC  

ignores everything

2019-10-29 14:39:15 UTC  

They’re a useful way to talk about large scale market movements in the aggregate

2019-10-29 14:39:27 UTC  

Yes, sometimes people state their conclusion first, and then state their argument

2019-10-29 14:39:31 UTC  

cool. im so happy you ignored my entire critique to reassert your fallacious belief

2019-10-29 14:39:34 UTC  

You need to be patient and calm down.

2019-10-29 14:39:50 UTC  

You are just attacking a straw man

2019-10-29 14:39:51 UTC  

GG @Platinum Spark, you just advanced to level 27!

2019-10-29 14:39:56 UTC  

sure buddy

2019-10-29 14:40:05 UTC  

Where do you reference a single thing I claimed?

2019-10-29 14:40:10 UTC  

Geez seriously

2019-10-29 14:40:12 UTC  

Calm down

2019-10-29 14:40:15 UTC  

do you use firm supply curves in order to get a market supply curve?

2019-10-29 14:40:16 UTC  

You get so nasty

2019-10-29 14:40:18 UTC  

yes or no

2019-10-29 14:40:21 UTC  


2019-10-29 14:40:27 UTC  

Obviously not

2019-10-29 14:40:29 UTC  

then explain how you get a market supply curve

2019-10-29 14:40:32 UTC  

if you do not aggregate

2019-10-29 14:40:47 UTC  

SophiesticatedToday at 1:40 AM
You get so nasty

this is so, so ironic

2019-10-29 14:41:02 UTC

2019-10-29 14:41:14 UTC  

thanks for a meaningless screenshot

2019-10-29 14:41:16 UTC  

That is what they are for

2019-10-29 14:41:19 UTC  


2019-10-29 14:41:28 UTC  

i asked how you get a market supply curve, i didnt ask what they were used for

2019-10-29 14:41:30 UTC  

Are you having difficulty understanding why that is an answer

2019-10-29 14:41:43 UTC  

Also for the last time, I’m a woman