Message from @GoldenGail3

Discord ID: 609111936709296159

2019-08-08 11:32:27 UTC  

If so, listen to his parody on Jeremy Hunt

2019-08-08 14:51:30 UTC  

Do yOu hAvE a SoUrCe On ThAt?

2019-08-08 14:53:05 UTC  

Here's your source on that

2019-08-08 14:59:33 UTC  

30% of its population died due to war and faminine and what have you

2019-08-08 15:23:07 UTC  

you say Capitalism kills 6 billion people whilst communism has on average, killed not only double that number, but tripled it in terms of death it's caused worldwide

2019-08-08 17:08:20 UTC  

The biggest problem is that since communism attempts to rectify the problems of scarcity, the left can say that any instance of death via scarcity can be blamed on capitalism, since capitalism doesn't aim to necessarily do away with scarcity but make the best of the situation.

So even though the death rate is higher in countries have low economic freedom, they'll still say that the deaths there are caused by capitalism.

2019-08-08 19:39:21 UTC  

There is truth to this. Although it's hard to deny the moral shortcomings that come with a purely capitalistic system (as demonstrated by extreme wealth inequality with people starving, living in poverty, and even "better off" people not being able to afford healthcare)

2019-08-08 19:41:10 UTC  

That's why I don't really get the diehard partisanship in these matters. It seems pretty evident that the best system is a combination of some sort. The good parts of capitalism, the good parts of communism (socialism, basically), wrapped up in the warm fuzzy blanket of democracy with wide checks and balances on the governing body.

2019-08-08 19:44:21 UTC  

The one I REALLY don't understand is I just getting trolled by the "fascists" in this server? I might be a big dumb

2019-08-08 19:46:02 UTC  

Democratic Socialism ay?

2019-08-08 19:46:11 UTC  

Idk maybe.

2019-08-08 19:46:51 UTC  

I just was overrreacing to the communists on this server tbh

2019-08-08 19:47:17 UTC  

because not everyone wants to live in an all inclusive society, which is were the desire for fascism steps in, although not required to go full force

2019-08-08 19:48:17 UTC  

Are there fascists on this server?

2019-08-08 19:48:33 UTC  

I haven't noticed them because the communists were too busy driving me insane lmao

2019-08-08 19:50:45 UTC  

ya its hard to tell in the presence of communists since everyone is a fascist to them (usually), but i think there might be a couple. even i might be depending on how you define it, idk.

2019-08-08 19:52:04 UTC  

i like the idea of a highly nationalist and exclusive society, but i dont think a dictator is required or even a single party state. But I believe in right of blood, rather than soil.

2019-08-08 19:53:22 UTC  

I believe in a society that's neither communist or fascist lmao

2019-08-08 19:56:16 UTC  

i like some aspects, such as the collective over the individual but still remaining within a set group and culture, so no globalists or mass immigrants

2019-08-08 19:56:17 UTC  

🆙 | **Solid Sar leveled up!**

2019-08-08 21:01:19 UTC  

Yeah and I think that the only form of socialism that really works is giving food stamps to the poor

2019-08-08 23:12:35 UTC

2019-08-09 00:46:39 UTC  

I'm sorry for my madness

2019-08-09 00:48:20 UTC  

I'm sure that @@JaskaElide will go and make some glorious speeches about how great communism and get 'this is epic tbh' while ignoring the fundamental facts about how bad communism is and about how it murders people in real life time.

2019-08-09 00:59:04 UTC  

my dude you're hyperfocusing on this real hard, it doesn't matter how many people "communism has killed" because that doesn't prove it's bad you have to point out actual flaws, not say hoHO thE iDea OF cOMmUNiSm IS bAD BEcausE EmpIRiCallY iT hAS kiLLED LoT pEOPLE LIBtARD

2019-08-09 01:15:43 UTC  

@GoldenGail3 state one fundamental fact about how bad communism is

2019-08-09 01:16:10 UTC  

by any chance have you happened to read any piece of communist literature or even like a cliff notes of it

2019-08-09 01:19:49 UTC  

@JaskaElide You have some points, and I agree that dick measuring contests about what has killed more aren't usually helpful (especially with this many confounding variables)

2019-08-09 01:20:33 UTC  

Yeah cuz I won

2019-08-09 01:21:49 UTC  

also where in the fuck did i say capitalism kills 6 billion people every year, and how has communism killed 18 billion. i think you have a critical misunderstanding of the capitalist tactic of making shit up. it has to be believable, communism did not extinguish humanity 3 times over

2019-08-09 01:22:25 UTC  


2019-08-09 01:29:11 UTC  

Well I mean look at all the communist leaders, throughout history

2019-08-09 01:34:41 UTC  

yeah fuck em

2019-08-09 01:34:48 UTC  

hmm well maybe I should provide any sort of empirical backing for my claims... Nah, just tell em to look at history or something.

2019-08-09 01:36:14 UTC  

also @Katze Miaulitzer do you understand the entire population of the world during the cold war was under 3 billion do you understand that the population of every single communist country ever is lower then 10 billion unless youre suggesting communist leaders bred more citizens to just execute them after to rack up a high kda or some shit

2019-08-09 01:37:19 UTC  

How's that vodka tasting?

2019-08-09 01:40:12 UTC  

remember that time i had to walk you through why the earth supported life?

2019-08-09 01:41:12 UTC  

Oh I already know why the Earth supported life