Message from @Dead Baron
Discord ID: 681684190571266132
Awaiting my greensies
<@&628453024427147266> - I really don't get how @ocobhthaigh is here and vetted, you might need to take a look at her
Today on Spanish News:
· VAT might be increased to 23% (it was 16% in 1995, then 21% starting in 2012)
Socialism? NOT EVEN ONCE, guys, AVOID IT LIKE THE PLAGUE!!! It never ends, it only gets worse and worse!
They'll tax the fuck out of you, then notice they need even more money so they'll tax you more and more and more and more until it all collapses and they suffer none of it!
Taxes arent socialism tho
Socialism will always tax you A LOT more, there're a lot of no-good lazy fucks to feed!
the chances of it being deleted will increase as November gets closer
i think outright deletion is the last resort; they're trying to choke it out
part of why t_d is successful is the good stuff gets voted to the top, so people visiting will always see the interesting news/funny memes and the low quality stuff will sink to the bottom
if you remove upvote power, the subreddit's front page will lower in quality and less people will check regularly
in addition to giving the impression of less engagement from the community
maybe they'll remove the ability to upvote comments next
The whole voting thing will be the death of the site. I think it's a bs ploy to scare users off of T_D. An impactful enough amount of hits generates site revenue to just ban it that's why they haven't. MGTOW will sooner be removed than T_D, but that user base is growing to levels where they can't afford to lose hits from them either...
Hey so I think I just lost the last of my old friends. Some of these people I've known for years. They all took a political test and ended up just two lines from the very far left. They're basically throwing me out. Are there any sane gaming discords out there?
The level of disappointment I'm feeling is immeasurable. The more facts I share over the years, the further along Trump's presidency gets, the more absolutely insane they've become.
Politics is a fickle mistress especially in the gaming community. What you may have felt was real isn't to them. It never was because they are shells of an existence. Super Gamekraft is an up and coming community that is more apolitical. I know the owner personally. He's a good dude who likes to shitpost stuff on his personal page, but he runs a good community. I can send you an invite if you want. Again, a political thought
We were real friends that would hang out, go camping, meet up at each others' houses, etc. One of them (not pictured) I've been friends with since middle school. It was more than a gaming group
fucking hurts dude. send me an invite if you can and I'll add it but I may need to decompress tonight before talking to more people
We're very small
Reasons like this is why spiritual family is important IMO
Ouch, I ended up leaving a leftie server two days ago because I didn't like the clique-ish attitude and they would all try to shame/bully me into silence since I was the only one to disagree, sorry you had to deal with it too. =<
A "friend group" with a foundation of a strong shared belief
@♥ ᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴀᴅ ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ɪᴛ ♥ yup I feel that, I was labelled the Nazi and everything I said was always brushed off
just freaking oof
Yeah, it sucks, because them running you off is exactly what they want, but it feels stupid to stay somewhere you're gonna be verbally abused constantly.
Like I said... the love was one sided
I know it hurts... I've had to go through the same shit... but they are making their choice to draw lines in the sand. They are choosing to suffer. Don't suffer with them.
And mocking you over your "two year degree" compare to their big brain "Masters" is super rude/elitist, these people are total assholes.
Unescapable student debt is so big brain
yeah btw that was coming from an unemployed guy that just takes pictures for his instagram
I have more education than him, I'm a sysadmin managing an office by myself roflmao
Nasty and pathetic attitude
Sounds about righjt
Sounds like someone who was empty to begin with...
Or may have had some substance at one point, but has been drained by the system.