Message from @Bjornir
Discord ID: 682044827478917173
YES. thanks beaner
Unfortunately, the Democrats are too busy pandering to foreigners, and the Republicans are to busy worshiping the free market.
i love trump
if Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh, who is the Rabbit?
I just saw Melinda Gates for the first time today. How in the fuck has no one pointed out “she” is clearly a “he”?!
mfw the cabal are all trannies
Fuck leftists.
Leftist scum
@Samurai89 Blaire Whire is a grifting troon
I am disappointed this isnt more like the obama server
where is the watch chat?
So is this Quaden or not?
Fantastic watch. Great replacement for Jerry Springfield.
yeah its a trainwreck
orange man bad
shit i think i have coronavirus
Watching the Dem debate will give you the coronavirus. Change my mind.
I found a game you would like TheDonald: Imnigrantes Ilegales Furiosos!
Are you a bad enough hombre to get past President Trump's wall?
I like to rock out with my cock out
Reddit is gay
The mods or admins at least
I love my husband Barack's bussy
wtf lmao
he betrayed trump
I'm actually a bit pumped for to be our exodus
There should be a sticky on rotation from now until the ban hammer drops
yeah the ban hammer is coming in the next few months
its been pre-planned
the quarantine was bs
If I ever run for political office please remind me to mention that I employ 100 percent of the African American population in my town.
That one man is the only one according to my town's census data.