Message from @BrazzE
Discord ID: 682036067268034640
What you should support is pro-American trade, trade that benefits the nation, not the multinationals.
Hey guys. I'm looking for the picture of that gay Xi Jinping doppelganger wearing leather. Can't find it anywhere online. Could anyone send it please?
America and American families should come first in every policy that is instituted by the American government.
YES. thanks beaner
Unfortunately, the Democrats are too busy pandering to foreigners, and the Republicans are to busy worshiping the free market.
i love trump
if Xi Jinping is Winnie the Pooh, who is the Rabbit?
I just saw Melinda Gates for the first time today. How in the fuck has no one pointed out “she” is clearly a “he”?!
mfw the cabal are all trannies
Fuck leftists.
Leftist scum
@Samurai89 Blaire Whire is a grifting troon
I am disappointed this isnt more like the obama server
where is the watch chat?
So is this Quaden or not?
This Democrat Debate is a disaster
Fantastic watch. Great replacement for Jerry Springfield.
yeah its a trainwreck
orange man bad
shit i think i have coronavirus
Watching the Dem debate will give you the coronavirus. Change my mind.
I found a game you would like TheDonald: Imnigrantes Ilegales Furiosos!
Are you a bad enough hombre to get past President Trump's wall?
I like to rock out with my cock out
Reddit is gay
The mods or admins at least
I love my husband Barack's bussy
wtf lmao
he betrayed trump
I'm actually a bit pumped for to be our exodus
There should be a sticky on rotation from now until the ban hammer drops
yeah the ban hammer is coming in the next few months