Message from @Pytokonda 🐏
Discord ID: 694798798911701023
I was 8 when Obama was electedf
THe brit was useless. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Obungo was a TRAITOR.
You lot voted for him <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
@Pytokonda 🐏 I sure as hell didn't.
I just showed mods a pic of my time machine and *instantly got vetted*
I had to see so many families fucked over by his shit policies with the shit polices of NYS...
I wanna see your time machine. #NoHomo
WTF, do i gotta show the mods my tattoo on my arm to get vetted?
I would.
I voted for Obama. Sorry. I was young and dumb and wanted free shit back then. I did NOT vote for him in 2012. But in 2012 I didn't exactly upgrade much --- Romney. In 2016 I got to vote for someone who is a true fighter for the people.
Not gonna lie, I was apolitical until Trump. My belief was (And still partially remains) that all politicians are crooks.
Legit it says "GIVE ME LIBERTY OF GIVE ME DEATH"... if that isn't proof of the love I have towards my rights idk what is
@Pytokonda 🐏 funny, after the trainwreck of the 2004 election, i sat it out until 2016. I never vited for Obama, i just sat it out.
I remember being in high school when he got elected; my fellow classmates in general were dumb
Thank God Trump is our President and NOT K.illary K.lodham K.linton
Literally ready for the Commies and Democrats to come and take my guns!
@Pytokonda 🐏 What is it with brits and lining up? What's great about it?
Help me understand.
@criticalMass tbh I've not looked at the numbers. But bet more people voted in the 2016 than ever before
i think they just like to say 'queue'
I didn't get a chance to, I registered too late.
Making up for that in 2020. I voted in the earlier mid-terms, at least. Though we lost the house, sadly.
Chlorquine + Zpack + Zinc is curing people. The left is trying to sabotage this information. They want the crisis to drag on.
@Pytokonda 🐏 you vouched for me?
He did I sawr it
@Pytokonda 🐏 <:sweetsad:624681482337910794> <:pepeluv:624721309661790254>
@Ultimarok look at this fine queue. 10/10
What's the appeal though???
Lol, we have someone who’s been waiting a year
Do I need to verify my account for this Discord?
I forgot his name lol
We just entered a Global depression lads
For how long is the question.
Globalism sucks.