Message from @Pytokonda 🐏

Discord ID: 694798798911701023

2020-04-01 06:39:49 UTC  

I was 8 when Obama was electedf

2020-04-01 06:39:50 UTC  

THe brit was useless. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>

Obungo was a TRAITOR.

2020-04-01 06:39:52 UTC  

You lot voted for him <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>

2020-04-01 06:40:07 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 I sure as hell didn't.

2020-04-01 06:40:08 UTC  

I just showed mods a pic of my time machine and *instantly got vetted*

2020-04-01 06:40:16 UTC  

I had to see so many families fucked over by his shit policies with the shit polices of NYS...

2020-04-01 06:40:26 UTC  

I wanna see your time machine. #NoHomo

2020-04-01 06:40:42 UTC  

WTF, do i gotta show the mods my tattoo on my arm to get vetted?

2020-04-01 06:40:48 UTC  

I would.

2020-04-01 06:40:51 UTC  

I voted for Obama. Sorry. I was young and dumb and wanted free shit back then. I did NOT vote for him in 2012. But in 2012 I didn't exactly upgrade much --- Romney. In 2016 I got to vote for someone who is a true fighter for the people.

2020-04-01 06:41:26 UTC  

Not gonna lie, I was apolitical until Trump. My belief was (And still partially remains) that all politicians are crooks.

2020-04-01 06:41:27 UTC  

Legit it says "GIVE ME LIBERTY OF GIVE ME DEATH"... if that isn't proof of the love I have towards my rights idk what is

2020-04-01 06:41:31 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 funny, after the trainwreck of the 2004 election, i sat it out until 2016. I never vited for Obama, i just sat it out.

2020-04-01 06:41:33 UTC  

I remember being in high school when he got elected; my fellow classmates in general were dumb

2020-04-01 06:41:37 UTC

2020-04-01 06:41:45 UTC  

Thank God Trump is our President and NOT K.illary K.lodham K.linton

2020-04-01 06:41:59 UTC  

Literally ready for the Commies and Democrats to come and take my guns!

2020-04-01 06:42:02 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 What is it with brits and lining up? What's great about it?

2020-04-01 06:42:18 UTC  

Help me understand.

2020-04-01 06:42:22 UTC  

@criticalMass tbh I've not looked at the numbers. But bet more people voted in the 2016 than ever before

2020-04-01 06:42:32 UTC  

i think they just like to say 'queue'

2020-04-01 06:42:41 UTC  

I didn't get a chance to, I registered too late.

2020-04-01 06:42:59 UTC  

Making up for that in 2020. I voted in the earlier mid-terms, at least. Though we lost the house, sadly.

2020-04-01 06:43:12 UTC  

Chlorquine + Zpack + Zinc is curing people. The left is trying to sabotage this information. They want the crisis to drag on.

2020-04-01 06:43:16 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 you vouched for me?

2020-04-01 06:43:29 UTC  

He did I sawr it

2020-04-01 06:43:42 UTC  


2020-04-01 06:43:53 UTC  

@Pytokonda 🐏 <:sweetsad:624681482337910794> <:pepeluv:624721309661790254>

2020-04-01 06:44:04 UTC  

@Ultimarok look at this fine queue. 10/10

2020-04-01 06:44:15 UTC  

What's the appeal though???

2020-04-01 06:44:22 UTC  

Lol, we have someone who’s been waiting a year

2020-04-01 06:44:39 UTC  


2020-04-01 06:44:41 UTC  


2020-04-01 06:44:54 UTC  


2020-04-01 06:44:57 UTC  

Do I need to verify my account for this Discord?

2020-04-01 06:44:59 UTC  

I forgot his name lol

2020-04-01 06:45:11 UTC  

We just entered a Global depression lads

2020-04-01 06:45:21 UTC  

For how long is the question.

2020-04-01 06:45:36 UTC  

Globalism sucks.

2020-04-01 06:45:39 UTC  
