Message from @JarlFrosty
Discord ID: 694798159200911411
Yo give me my vetted tag
Ok here you go *vetted tag*
or imma call you Fredo just like I call Chris Cuomo Fredo! 😛
@JarlFrosty Message FEDS. He's how I got in. Just keep cool for now and shitpost with us and you'll get in eventually.
So my wife has to report to hosptial tomorrow for ICU shift. I wont see her for at least 20 days. Hospital keeping staff in hotels so they dont risk bringing the virus home to families.
Sorry to hear that man.
*Calm down, be patient a mod will be with you shortly*
Ill be praying for her safety brother @MythOfNeutrality!
Me and my 3 kids will hold the fort down,.
@JarlFrosty If you shitpost with us long enough, we'll vouch for you personally.
Same thing I told boogie.
im grateful for the hotel doing this. I am respiratory compromised and was hospitalized in with H1N1 caused pneumonia back in Feb 2010.
Oh I can shitpost alright
Ah yes, H1N1. Funny how coronavirus is a big deal under Trump, but that wasn't under Obungo.
I shit post with my boys every weekend after training <:KEK:656181843581992992>
Das it mane! Das it.
Obama didnt get attacked for giving me H1N1. Its weird too, because I didn't blame Obama either. I guess that is a left wing thing -- to blame the President when you get sick. Oh well.
@Pepe The Frog I got you in fyi
Lima beans + pepe got me in.
Obama was a fucking cunt that should have never served two terms...
THe brit was useless. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Obungo was a TRAITOR.
You lot voted for him <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
@Pytokonda 🐏 I sure as hell didn't.
I just showed mods a pic of my time machine and *instantly got vetted*
I had to see so many families fucked over by his shit policies with the shit polices of NYS...
I wanna see your time machine. #NoHomo
WTF, do i gotta show the mods my tattoo on my arm to get vetted?
I would.
I voted for Obama. Sorry. I was young and dumb and wanted free shit back then. I did NOT vote for him in 2012. But in 2012 I didn't exactly upgrade much --- Romney. In 2016 I got to vote for someone who is a true fighter for the people.
Not gonna lie, I was apolitical until Trump. My belief was (And still partially remains) that all politicians are crooks.
Legit it says "GIVE ME LIBERTY OF GIVE ME DEATH"... if that isn't proof of the love I have towards my rights idk what is
@Pytokonda 🐏 funny, after the trainwreck of the 2004 election, i sat it out until 2016. I never vited for Obama, i just sat it out.
I remember being in high school when he got elected; my fellow classmates in general were dumb
Thank God Trump is our President and NOT K.illary K.lodham K.linton
Literally ready for the Commies and Democrats to come and take my guns!
@Pytokonda 🐏 What is it with brits and lining up? What's great about it?
Help me understand.
@criticalMass tbh I've not looked at the numbers. But bet more people voted in the 2016 than ever before