
Discord ID: 286719403637342208

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2017-10-18 05:50:03 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  


2017-10-18 05:51:06 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

How do I get voice rights?

2017-10-18 05:51:22 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I aint no pink twinkle toed communist?

2017-10-18 05:52:30 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

I don't want to kill anyone. But I believe in standing on the truth that homosexuality is both IMMORAL and DEVIANT.

2017-10-18 05:53:32 UTC [The Right Server #chat]  

How can I get voice chat rights?

2020-04-01 06:33:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Hello all - my first Discord post

2020-04-01 06:34:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  

F Spez! Long live!

2020-04-01 06:34:50 UTC [The Donald #general]  

he very much ah asshoe

2020-04-01 06:36:00 UTC [The Donald #general]  

So my wife has to report to hosptial tomorrow for ICU shift. I wont see her for at least 20 days. Hospital keeping staff in hotels so they dont risk bringing the virus home to families.

2020-04-01 06:36:47 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Me and my 3 kids will hold the fort down,.

2020-04-01 06:37:58 UTC [The Donald #general]  

im grateful for the hotel doing this. I am respiratory compromised and was hospitalized in with H1N1 caused pneumonia back in Feb 2010.

2020-04-01 06:39:02 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Obama didnt get attacked for giving me H1N1. Its weird too, because I didn't blame Obama either. I guess that is a left wing thing -- to blame the President when you get sick. Oh well.

2020-04-01 06:40:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I voted for Obama. Sorry. I was young and dumb and wanted free shit back then. I did NOT vote for him in 2012. But in 2012 I didn't exactly upgrade much --- Romney. In 2016 I got to vote for someone who is a true fighter for the people.

2020-04-01 06:41:45 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Thank God Trump is our President and NOT K.illary K.lodham K.linton

2020-04-01 06:43:12 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Chlorquine + Zpack + Zinc is curing people. The left is trying to sabotage this information. They want the crisis to drag on.

2020-04-01 06:44:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Do I need to verify my account for this Discord?

2020-04-01 06:45:36 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Globalism sucks.

2020-04-01 06:45:52 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Unfettered immigration sucks.

2020-04-01 06:46:51 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Power needs to be unwound from the Federal level and given to the states and local authorities. It is great to see both GOP and DEM Governors protect their state borders. They have a RIGHT to do this.

2020-04-01 06:47:48 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Ultimarok - They could be WORSE under a governor like Newsome -- but you have 50 states to choose from to live.

2020-04-01 06:48:07 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Greg Abbott is best governor in the country. Period.

2020-04-01 06:49:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I think we are headed towards a global trend of decentralization. We are about to see an enraged Italy and Spain tell the EU to go to hell. Italy may actually find itself in alignment with Russia's sphere of influence. Not sure if you guys been watching how enraged Italians are - burning EU flags. Where has Germany and Belgium been for them ????? Nowhere!

2020-04-01 06:51:05 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Cuomo is stupid to not take it if he can. I want him to be healthy and on tv. We love our media punching bag!

2020-04-01 06:53:19 UTC [The Donald #general]  

The left doesn't want chlorquine treatment to work because the French doctor Raoult who came up with the treatment is loathed by French elitists and media because he denies climate change and is a right wing Gaulist (Charles de Gualle politics) . They hate the idea of the treatment working even more because Trump said that it MIGHT work. They can't stand the thought of Trump possibly being right on anything. They are so shameless.

2020-04-01 06:54:14 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Dr. Didier Raoult talks like, looks like, and writes like a BADASS. I think the guy needs a BRICK

2020-04-01 06:55:21 UTC [The Donald #general]  

For once, someone from France actually is leading people to VICTORY in warfare. First time in over 120 years. Dr. Didier Raoult should win the Nobel Prize for 2021...... but watch the elitist pricks give it to some obscure Commie in China.

2020-04-01 06:56:02 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Nobel prize used to mean something.

2020-04-01 06:56:26 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Then they gave one to Obama for nothing and then Gretta the Teenage Traumatized Climate Queen.

2020-04-01 06:58:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

There is money associated with winning the prize -- Raoult would just give the money to his institute which has been fighting infectious communicable and mosquito born diseases for 3 decades. He is the top scientist in the world in this field. But he is on the right and they MUST destroy him and his work. They say he is 'mean' etc etc..... Where is their ethics on saving lives over achieving political chaos? The left doesn't care about human life. If they did, they would stop killing the 500,000+ babies they kill every year in America at 'essential' Planned Parenthood 'clinics'.

2020-04-01 07:00:03 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Economy will take 3-6 months to recover after restart.

2020-04-01 07:01:06 UTC [The Donald #general]  

BUT - I know one thing -- Housing in New York and other big city suburbs is going to be hot while rent prices and demand collapses in the cities. People are not going to want to live on top of each other anymore in a lot of instances. I have seen people talking about this online - people who lived in Manhattan for 20 years +. They want out!

2020-04-01 07:02:26 UTC [The Donald #general]  

The Dems want to extend the misery as far as possible.

2020-04-01 07:03:24 UTC [The Donald #general]  

If the Dems thought this would bring him down, they have NO UNDERSTANDING of history. Wartime presidents win and win big. This is wartime mobilization type stuff.

2020-04-01 07:04:07 UTC [The Donald #general]  

If food starts running out ---- that will end the shutdown

2020-04-01 07:04:22 UTC [The Donald #general]  

because Americans will NOT put up with starvation.

2020-04-01 07:06:04 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I am reading about the beginning of food shortages west of the Rockies in populated areas already. This will eventually cascade to the middle (Texas and Midwest) and then eastward. It is something to watch. As well, the increase demand, and the government essentially printing 2 trillion dollars is going to cause inflation. Eggs and Dairy prices in my area have almost doubled in 3 weeks.

2020-04-01 07:07:05 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Gator meat is like really tough chicken. It's OK if you have to eat it.

2020-04-01 07:07:41 UTC [The Donald #general]  

With so many fresh and saltwater fish in the swamps --- why eat gator? Sunfish, Bass, Catfish, Crappie are all better IMHO

2020-04-01 07:08:28 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Best way to cook gator is to slow smoke it over oak wood for 3-4 hours and brush butter and Tony Cachere's seasoning on it every 45 minutes or so

2020-04-01 07:17:25 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Has anyone ever considered that the Rebels in Star Wars might actually be terrorists?

2020-04-01 07:17:42 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-04-01 07:18:54 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I saw this story earlier

2020-04-01 07:19:22 UTC [The Donald #general]  

its the one I was referring to. Zero Hedge and Epoch Times are so far ahead on stuff like this the mainstream media doesnt see.

2020-04-02 03:31:53 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I cant submit my home made pictures to TheDonald..... I try to post images and nothing happens when I hit submit

2020-04-02 03:32:16 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Who would like to see what I did while playing Jenga with my son today?

2020-04-02 03:34:57 UTC [The Donald #general]  

How do I upload a picture to discord?

2020-04-02 03:35:14 UTC [The Donald #general]  

upload a picture to here I mean

2020-04-02 03:36:01 UTC [The Donald #general]  


2020-04-02 03:37:00 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

Playing Jenga and bored games with son!

2020-04-02 03:37:27 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Look at memes channel - please offer your critique

2020-04-02 03:38:03 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

Kung Flu with Jenga!

2020-04-02 03:38:55 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

1989 - Tienamen Square - I nailed the lifelike events perfectly I think!!!!!!!!!!!

2020-04-02 03:40:08 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

Perfect match - see!!!!!!!

2020-04-02 03:41:01 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I put 3 more - please look. Need your input. I spent like 5 minutes on these timeless works of art.

2020-04-02 03:48:11 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

Actually he lived - he was arrested and jailed for many years. They brainwashed and 're-educated' him.

2020-04-02 03:48:42 UTC [The Donald #memes]  

The only reason he wasnt killed was because the CCArmy knew media tower was watching in that direction.

2020-04-02 03:49:11 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Thank you friend

2020-04-02 03:49:41 UTC [The Donald #general]  

Feel free to post them in the Donald if you like - I cant figure out how to on the website. Not sure if browser issue or what.

2020-04-02 03:50:12 UTC [The Donald #general]  

I am going to play games with my son -- ttyg later!

59 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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