Message from @Ultimarok
Discord ID: 694799551944720434
@Pytokonda π What is it with brits and lining up? What's great about it?
Help me understand.
@criticalMass tbh I've not looked at the numbers. But bet more people voted in the 2016 than ever before
i think they just like to say 'queue'
I didn't get a chance to, I registered too late.
Making up for that in 2020. I voted in the earlier mid-terms, at least. Though we lost the house, sadly.
Chlorquine + Zpack + Zinc is curing people. The left is trying to sabotage this information. They want the crisis to drag on.
@Pytokonda π you vouched for me?
He did I sawr it
@Pytokonda π <:sweetsad:624681482337910794> <:pepeluv:624721309661790254>
@Ultimarok look at this fine queue. 10/10
What's the appeal though???
Lol, we have someone whoβs been waiting a year
Do I need to verify my account for this Discord?
I forgot his name lol
We just entered a Global depression lads
Globalism sucks.
Obama was a beta bitch
Unfettered immigration sucks.
Obungo is a ladyman
Tbh we should take after Japan's immigration system <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Let's be real here, he was such a beta, his husband Michael had run our nation
@JarlFrosty So black KKKillary basically.
Power needs to be unwound from the Federal level and given to the states and local authorities. It is great to see both GOP and DEM Governors protect their state borders. They have a RIGHT to do this.
What makes us think that states are any more based, though?
Itβs going to be baaad. This shutdown of the economy around the globe completely ignored the people unpadded by the economic repercussions
Health school dinners michael. Then trump got rid of it on her bday. Baller
Ultimarok - They could be WORSE under a governor like Newsome -- but you have 50 states to choose from to live.
>>> Obama was a beta bitch
This is true
Greg Abbott is best governor in the country. Period.
Hmm, fair point.
Killary killed Epstein... Change my mind!
How can this go wrong lol
I think we are headed towards a global trend of decentralization. We are about to see an enraged Italy and Spain tell the EU to go to hell. Italy may actually find itself in alignment with Russia's sphere of influence. Not sure if you guys been watching how enraged Italians are - burning EU flags. Where has Germany and Belgium been for them ????? Nowhere!
Iβm a figger naggot