Message from @Ultimarok
Discord ID: 694797654047195216
Lot of people in constant fear up here in WA
@boogiebody check <#665554909134848000>
God, and i just feel great knowing after this, boys we gonna have a bright future ahead!
There I sent it
Hello all - my first Discord post
F Spez! Long live!
spez is asshoe
Welcome to our winning arena
he very much ah asshoe
Yo give me my vetted tag
Ok here you go *vetted tag*
or imma call you Fredo just like I call Chris Cuomo Fredo! 😛
@JarlFrosty Message FEDS. He's how I got in. Just keep cool for now and shitpost with us and you'll get in eventually.
So my wife has to report to hosptial tomorrow for ICU shift. I wont see her for at least 20 days. Hospital keeping staff in hotels so they dont risk bringing the virus home to families.
Sorry to hear that man.
*Calm down, be patient a mod will be with you shortly*
Ill be praying for her safety brother @MythOfNeutrality!
Me and my 3 kids will hold the fort down,.
@JarlFrosty If you shitpost with us long enough, we'll vouch for you personally.
im grateful for the hotel doing this. I am respiratory compromised and was hospitalized in with H1N1 caused pneumonia back in Feb 2010.
Oh I can shitpost alright
Ah yes, H1N1. Funny how coronavirus is a big deal under Trump, but that wasn't under Obungo.
I shit post with my boys every weekend after training <:KEK:656181843581992992>
Das it mane! Das it.
Obama didnt get attacked for giving me H1N1. Its weird too, because I didn't blame Obama either. I guess that is a left wing thing -- to blame the President when you get sick. Oh well.
@Pepe The Frog I got you in fyi
Lima beans + pepe got me in.
Obama was a fucking cunt that should have never served two terms...
I was 8 when Obama was electedf
THe brit was useless. <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
Obungo was a TRAITOR.
You lot voted for him <:ultrasmug:624684793199722498>
@Pytokonda 🐏 I sure as hell didn't.
I just showed mods a pic of my time machine and *instantly got vetted*
I had to see so many families fucked over by his shit policies with the shit polices of NYS...
I wanna see your time machine. #NoHomo
WTF, do i gotta show the mods my tattoo on my arm to get vetted?
I would.
I voted for Obama. Sorry. I was young and dumb and wanted free shit back then. I did NOT vote for him in 2012. But in 2012 I didn't exactly upgrade much --- Romney. In 2016 I got to vote for someone who is a true fighter for the people.
Not gonna lie, I was apolitical until Trump. My belief was (And still partially remains) that all politicians are crooks.