Message from @Dangerlurking
Discord ID: 304074355896352768
Ok so Antifas main weapon is pepper spray
It was starting to get low energy
and bike locks
A good counter is milk
@JKEMI And wearing a mask.\
were googles
Goggles, mask helmet and shield.
But it affects skin too
So I propose wearing the same things as they so
Buy a motherfucking Scutum
ground report: antifa appears to be leaving
But wearing different color
here we go!
let the race war begin!
We managed to defeat antifa without going into a full on war?
Fight isnnt over boys
Let's see shit hit the fan
Poast a youtube link that is based on the riots and not the speech
We need one person to yell, "HE'S GOT A GUN!"
What's going on? I finished with Spencer's speech?
just one
that's all I'm asking
Peace through strength. Antifa are pussies at heart, make a big showing and they'll flee.
Lots of unvetted here
Is it happening??? Can someone give me a quick run down??
Do we need a @purge
Anyone have a quality livestream?????
I liked Spencer's talk. Never been a fan of his flamboyant style, but his message is good.
i got banned from that broadcast for saying 'feminism gtfo' basically