
Discord ID: 202141896674508801

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2017-01-29 04:01:05 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:01:33 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

So much room for activities

2017-01-29 04:01:42 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:02:06 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

I like it here

2017-01-29 04:02:38 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

brb gotta find those pics quick

2017-01-29 04:02:45 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:03:02 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

i dont care about leg pics

2017-01-29 04:03:10 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

i will come back when you settle this

2017-01-29 04:03:29 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]

2017-01-29 04:03:56 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

i have been trying to figure something out

2017-01-29 04:04:01 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

maybe you guys can help

2017-01-29 04:04:08 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]

2017-01-29 04:06:29 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

there are a LOT of gay pics here

2017-01-29 04:06:34 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

i think there is a homo here

2017-01-29 04:06:41 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

im gonna tell pence

2017-01-29 04:07:06 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

if there was a flock of them i would think you guys would have routed them out by now

2017-01-29 04:07:10 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

for safety

2017-01-29 04:07:32 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

the pence is reusable

2017-01-29 04:07:39 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

there is only one reusable pence

2017-01-29 04:08:36 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

so what is up with all the trap porn guys?

2017-01-29 04:08:49 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

im your guest, have some hospitality

2017-01-29 04:08:56 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:09:27 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

because the penises are feminine?

2017-01-29 04:09:32 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:09:52 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

im your guest

2017-01-29 04:09:55 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

have some manners

2017-01-29 04:10:40 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

what was it originally?

2017-01-29 04:11:01 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

a girl who got a dick grafted on?

2017-01-29 04:11:06 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

does she still have a pussy?

2017-01-29 04:11:18 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

did she get her ovaries replacesd with testes?

2017-01-29 04:11:24 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

so intersex?

2017-01-29 04:11:57 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

its such a rare occurrence they can decide whether or not its gay

2017-01-29 04:12:06 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

no need for definition

2017-01-29 04:12:15 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

yes its gay

2017-01-29 04:12:22 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

closer to gay than straight

2017-01-29 04:12:40 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

can i get a quick handy first?

2017-01-29 04:12:50 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

i have a very feminine yet large penis

2017-01-29 04:12:55 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

you guys would love it

2017-01-29 04:13:22 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

nrg its closer to gay than straight

2017-01-29 04:13:28 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

does it matter?

2017-01-29 04:13:48 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

you are gay whether or not the relationship you are in is

2017-01-29 04:14:04 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

how high is the window?

2017-01-29 04:14:22 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

the amount of bullying you [deserve[

2017-01-29 04:14:50 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

im a stranger

2017-01-29 04:15:16 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

did you post the penises?

2017-01-29 04:27:29 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:28:01 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-01-29 04:28:15 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  


2017-02-20 23:25:19 UTC [All Things Metal Gear #general]  

how do i get back to outer heaven?

2017-04-18 22:13:17 UTC [Anticom #general]  

Have the Reds arrived yet?

2017-04-18 22:13:45 UTC [Anticom #general]  

Vet me

2017-04-18 22:17:34 UTC [Anticom #general]  

@Andy how do i get vetted?

2017-04-18 22:17:46 UTC [Anticom #general]  


2017-04-18 22:18:17 UTC [Anticom #general]  

sorry its part of my normal vocab

2017-04-18 22:18:21 UTC [Anticom #general]  

im not even a trucker

2017-04-18 22:18:56 UTC [Anticom #general]  

leg day?

2017-04-18 22:35:02 UTC [Anticom #general]  

"Failure is the tuition you pay for success"

2017-04-19 01:58:25 UTC [Anticom #general]  

i hope the blowjobs were worth it

2017-04-19 01:58:58 UTC [Anticom #general]  

good presentation @DeusVolt

2017-04-19 01:59:47 UTC [Anticom #general]  

they arrest people for burning with a cig?

2017-04-19 02:01:14 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 02:46:55 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 02:48:50 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 02:51:05 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 03:02:58 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 03:27:45 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 03:37:45 UTC [Anticom #general]  

how does that happen?

2017-04-19 20:44:30 UTC [Anticom #general]  

anyone following venezuela happenings?

2017-04-19 20:44:33 UTC [Anticom #general]  

lookin for strams

2017-04-19 20:44:48 UTC [Anticom #general]  

just out for a rip are ya bud?

2017-04-19 20:45:26 UTC [Anticom #general]  

nice try north korea

2017-04-19 20:45:59 UTC [Anticom #general]  

i saw a jeep yesterday with "send it" in big letters across the windshield

2017-04-19 20:46:05 UTC [Anticom #general]  

made my day

2017-04-19 20:47:04 UTC [Anticom #general]  

tuna salad with onions in it is fucking amazing

2017-04-19 20:47:10 UTC [Anticom #general]  

havent had this in a while

2017-04-19 20:54:50 UTC [Anticom #general]  

venezuela stream

2017-04-19 20:54:59 UTC [Anticom #general]  

which side is /ourside?

2017-04-19 20:55:32 UTC [Anticom #general]  

what is rwds?

2017-04-19 20:55:34 UTC [Anticom #general]  


2017-04-19 20:55:44 UTC [Anticom #general]  

real world disaster sadness?

2017-04-19 20:55:47 UTC [Anticom #general]  

oh ok

2017-04-19 20:55:50 UTC [Anticom #general]  

got it

2017-04-19 20:56:04 UTC [Anticom #general]  

sounds good

2017-04-19 20:56:10 UTC [Anticom #general]  

cherry or strawberry?

2017-04-19 20:56:22 UTC [Anticom #general]  


2017-04-19 20:57:26 UTC [Anticom #general]  

fuck yes

2017-04-19 20:57:54 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 20:58:43 UTC [Anticom #general]

2017-04-19 20:58:58 UTC [Anticom #general]  

we found the right timeline boys

2017-04-19 20:59:18 UTC [Anticom #general]  

turn off your hyperdimensional escalators until further notice

2017-04-19 21:03:28 UTC [Anticom #general]  

although only a few will achieve it, all humans must strive to become transgender muslims.

2017-04-19 21:10:00 UTC [Anticom #general]  

are you gluing the pieces back together?

2017-04-19 21:10:16 UTC [Anticom #general]  

i can be an ass, i know

2017-04-19 21:10:50 UTC [Anticom #general]  

or the skin off the back of the guy who smashed it

238 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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