Message from @WuldGoGayForLauren
Discord ID: 484371296709509120
Yeah we dont get it.. we are western and dont see it that way
@Rox Chinas end goal is to usurp the west...You were fucked over by the west..It was bound to happen
Even if those are the facts
I am the west.. according to other south africans I should %$$#%^ off home
Im feeling pretty f^&%^^ over by Theresa May right now
Never trust a brit
Britain only cares about one thing...Britain and will do what's in their best interest...Doesn't help that the people targeted just so happen to be the Boere
they never got over the war
We all know Afrikaner and British history
and didnt the afrikaaners support germany in the other war?
ossewabrandwag dudes
Here's a drinking game
Everytime The Daily Show blames things on white people
ye my gandpa fought for allies I think our neighbors fought for axis
I hate trevoh noah
@Rox Nah SA was binded too the UK although I know a few Afrikaners who would've preferred Germany...Just stupid, no matter the choices of Germany, they would've lost the war
Trevor used the Vicki Momberg situation to generalize White south africans as rascist
@Rox Trevor became even more shit once he left SA...Remember un-PC trevor
And now theyre rambling bout white privilege
Remember a honest comedian
me neither
hi all 😛
@WuldGoGayForLauren There was a time Trevor was just he's kak
katie .... she is fearless
so love a SJW canonising me ....
Lets be honest, it is not Britain in general... It is Britain elites.... maybe monarchy, some other entity or both... I couldn't say?? Bottom line, there is an evil agenda being driven by powerful people... I know of a few, but think that the rabbit hole goes quite deep.
Yeah that's what I mean when I say a Brit...Don't think the people of Britain are too happy...But the elitists call the shots, and look what it did
Seems reasonable
Wow 2018 and still no Pan-Sexual Transformer