Message from @shimmy

Discord ID: 553793406678335538

2019-03-09 04:11:09 UTC  
2019-03-09 04:11:47 UTC  

In Valencia, the CNT organized the orange industry, with 270 committees in different towns and villages for growing, purchasing, packing, and exporting; in the process, they got rid of several thousand middlemen. In Laredo, the fishing industry was collectivized — workers expropriated the ships, cut out the middlemen who took all the profit, and used those profits to improve the ships and other equipment or to pay themselves. Catalunya’s textile industry employed 250,000 workers in scores of factories. During collectivization, they got rid of high-paid directors, increased their wages by 15%, reduced their hours from 60 to 40 hours per week, bought new machinery, and elected management committees.

In Catalunya, libertarian workers showed impressive results in maintaining the complex infrastructure of the industrial society they had taken over. The workers who had always been responsible for these jobs proved themselves capable of carrying on and even improving their work in the absence of bosses. “Without waiting for orders from anyone, the workers restored normal telephone service within three days [after heavy street fighting ended]... Once this crucial emergency work was finished a general membership meeting of telephone workers decided to collectivize the telephone system.”[50] The workers voted to raise the salaries of the lowest paid members. The gas, water, and electricity services were also collectivized. The collective managing water lowered rates by 50% and was still able to contribute large amounts of money to the anti-fascist militia committee. The railway workers collectivized the railroads, and where technicians in the railroads had fled, experienced workers were chosen as replacements. The replacements proved adequate despite their lack of formal schooling, because they had learned through the experience of working together with the technicians to maintain the lines.

2019-03-09 04:11:52 UTC  

socialism has literally worked

2019-03-09 04:12:32 UTC  

Seems legit

2019-03-09 04:12:41 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:12:47 UTC  

legit is my name

2019-03-09 04:13:46 UTC  

/questions my political idealogy/

2019-03-09 04:14:12 UTC  

Trump is no Bueno

2019-03-09 04:14:24 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:14:38 UTC  

trump has been shit since he started his campaign

2019-03-09 04:15:14 UTC  

good read

2019-03-09 04:15:22 UTC  

He's a criminal whos manipulating the fundamentally broken system for personal gain

2019-03-09 04:15:37 UTC  

Dat is facts right there

2019-03-09 04:15:51 UTC  

He's getting paid by big pharma and fossil fuel

2019-03-09 04:16:32 UTC  

So that he votes for legislation in their favor

2019-03-09 04:16:33 UTC  

GG @shimmy, you just advanced to level 11!

2019-03-09 04:17:10 UTC  

Mee6 agrees

2019-03-09 04:17:10 UTC  

GG @BlackHawk, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-09 04:17:16 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:17:17 UTC  

Who in their right mind would mock green energy, when it has the potential to create millions of jobs? Only someone who was being paid millions or even billions by big petroleum companies :))

2019-03-09 04:17:46 UTC  

Mee6 is the fbi tuning in, that's proof right there

2019-03-09 04:18:26 UTC  

if Trump really cared about illegal immigration, he would punish companies that hire illegals, instead of building a useless wall that only accounts for a minority of illegals that cross through the border

2019-03-09 04:18:27 UTC  

GG @Mariya Takeuchi, you just advanced to level 2!

2019-03-09 04:18:30 UTC  

US representatives do it all the time, and besides the ethics committee, it's completely legal. Trump, on the other hand, doesn't have an ethics committee <:ainz:538084033410891776>

2019-03-09 04:18:40 UTC  

Bot really agrees

2019-03-09 04:19:07 UTC  

MEE6 2020?

2019-03-09 04:19:57 UTC  

But actually that is correct, nobody would be against green energy at least at this point in time where massive breakthroughs are happening everywhere regarding green energy. At some point, it may not be soon, but at some point we will go 100% green energy. It's just a matter of time

2019-03-09 04:20:46 UTC  

And that time will be 2050. When we run out of oil. And the countries who advocated for green energy in 2019, unlike America, will be striving

2019-03-09 04:21:36 UTC  

So either we impeach trump or win this 2020 election, or say byebye to a future that isn't controlled by automation and a shortage of energy followed by mass unemployment

2019-03-09 04:22:50 UTC  

Exactly, even if you don't like green energy it makes no sense to devalue it in America. It is after all an entire industry, America is a country that used to keep as many cards as it could in hand. I don't remember the usa giving up on an industry this easily

2019-03-09 04:23:46 UTC  

i doubt trump will win, his approval rating is incredibly low

2019-03-09 04:24:05 UTC  

Yeah but I fear a repeat of 2016

2019-03-09 04:24:08 UTC

2019-03-09 04:24:18 UTC  

@BlackHawk it’s not the same this time

2019-03-09 04:24:58 UTC

2019-03-09 04:25:10 UTC  

even fox news acknowledges the low rating lol

2019-03-09 04:25:34 UTC  

I don't know man, 2016 was a shit show. Half the country was left reeling. The polls all said Trump was gonna flatline but states just kept going red

2019-03-09 04:25:37 UTC  

it's even lower than what Obama was

2019-03-09 04:25:55 UTC  

@BlackHawk "half the country"
the majority of people didnt even vote

2019-03-09 04:26:21 UTC  

Point taken but still