Mariya Takeuchi
Discord ID: 385277033569320961
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Okay this is epic
?rank socialist
?rank christian
we need ancom emotes
not enough
wait where is the section
what section
ancaps are just a bunch of pedophiles <:heh:462427722614964225>
i have met not a single ancap that does not support either pedophilia or slavery
ancaps arent even real anarchists
they are neo-feudalists
anarchism as a philosophy is against hierarchy
of all kinds
ancap is totalitarian and fucking gay
it does not follow the philosophy of anarchy
if i told you i wanted to abolish private property, will i still be a liberal?
then again, communism is literally direct democracy
well anyways, ancaps arent anarchists
if ancaps would join us to fight fascism
that would be legitimately cool
but they always fucking join the side of the nazis at rallies
ancaps love opression
they want big daddy billionare's cock
ancaps want to suck billionare dick
>billionaire dick
name a more iconic duo
ill wait
ancoms want to kill billionaire
ancaps want to suck them
@The Big Oof so?
implying anarcho-communism will stop progress and technology
@Bearer Of The Curse i missed my soros paycheck
when is it going to arrive???
its almost like antifa isnt an actual organization
and just action
when is soros giving me my fucking paycheck
funds from where
big boy soros hasnt given me shit
soros literally funded organizations to defeat the soviets btw
he is
@The Big Oof its almost like being a communist dosent mean you abolish the means of production
you want to say communists are hypocrites for having expensive stuff
well there is not much other software available, and i do not like linux
when we own the means of production, we will just continue making iphones lmao
i like my iphone thank you very much
im not an ancom
im an ansynd
this is just a meme
you can create them here in the US @Bearer Of The Curse
i do not own a mac tho
that would be very gay indeed
thats interesting
but im not into programming
strasserism is shit
this is non-nat chat
it's not tho
being left wing is about getting rid of oppression
the only left wing part of strasserism is that it's state-capitalist, it's bascically the USSR if it decided to keep Eastern Orthodox as state-religion
Yang 2020
no mods?
epic there are no mods
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