Message from @shimmy

Discord ID: 553792211087654913

2019-03-09 04:08:00 UTC  

It's where the government controls the means of production yeehaw

2019-03-09 04:08:11 UTC  

no that is state-capitalism

2019-03-09 04:08:20 UTC  

which is used for the purpose of reaching socialism

2019-03-09 04:08:32 UTC  

i think it's bullshit, and we should hit full socialism instead

2019-03-09 04:08:39 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:09:01 UTC  

i would be a full fledged anarchist if i did not believed we need a military and police

2019-03-09 04:09:13 UTC  

Has there ever been a socialist country? They always half-ass it

2019-03-09 04:09:20 UTC  

but mostly everything should be controlled by syndicates, or unions

2019-03-09 04:09:28 UTC  

under a direct democracy

2019-03-09 04:09:32 UTC  
2019-03-09 04:09:39 UTC  

Anarchy is just Minecraft creative mode in my head

2019-03-09 04:09:50 UTC  

Seems legit

2019-03-09 04:09:54 UTC  

look up Revolutionary Catalonia, Paris Commune, Ukraine

2019-03-09 04:10:01 UTC  

That's a lot of effort

2019-03-09 04:10:04 UTC  

Revolutionary Catalonia is my favorite

2019-03-09 04:10:15 UTC  

wait here

2019-03-09 04:11:04 UTC  

"During the Spanish Civil War, workers in occupied factories coordinated an entire wartime economy. Anarchist organizations that had been instrumental in bringing about the revolution, namely the CNT labor union, often provided the foundations for the new society. Especially in the industrial city of Barcelona, the CNT lent the structure for running a worker-controlled economy — a task for which it had been preparing years in advance. Each factory organized itself with its own chosen technical and administrative workers; factories in the same industry in every locality organized into the Local Federation of their particular industry; all the Local Federations of a locality organized themselves into a Local Economic Council “in which all the centers of production and services were represented”; and the local Federations and Councils organized into parallel National Federations of Industry and National Economic Federations.[49]

The Barcelona congress of all Catalan collectives, on August 28, 1937, provides an example of their coordinating activities and decisions. The collectivized shoe factories needed 2 million pesetas credit. Because of a shortage of leather, they had to cut down on hours, though they still paid all their workers full time salaries. The Economic Council studied the situation, and reported that there was no surplus of shoes. The congress agreed to grant credit to purchase leather and to modernize the factories in order to lower the prices of the shoes. Later, the Economic Council outlined plans to build an aluminum factory, which was necessary for the war effort. They had located available materials, secured the cooperation of chemists, engineers, and technicians, and decided to raise the money through the collectives. The congress also decided to mitigate urban unemployment by working out a plan with agricultural workers to bring new areas into cultivation with the help of unemployed workers from the cities."

2019-03-09 04:11:09 UTC  
2019-03-09 04:11:47 UTC  

In Valencia, the CNT organized the orange industry, with 270 committees in different towns and villages for growing, purchasing, packing, and exporting; in the process, they got rid of several thousand middlemen. In Laredo, the fishing industry was collectivized — workers expropriated the ships, cut out the middlemen who took all the profit, and used those profits to improve the ships and other equipment or to pay themselves. Catalunya’s textile industry employed 250,000 workers in scores of factories. During collectivization, they got rid of high-paid directors, increased their wages by 15%, reduced their hours from 60 to 40 hours per week, bought new machinery, and elected management committees.

In Catalunya, libertarian workers showed impressive results in maintaining the complex infrastructure of the industrial society they had taken over. The workers who had always been responsible for these jobs proved themselves capable of carrying on and even improving their work in the absence of bosses. “Without waiting for orders from anyone, the workers restored normal telephone service within three days [after heavy street fighting ended]... Once this crucial emergency work was finished a general membership meeting of telephone workers decided to collectivize the telephone system.”[50] The workers voted to raise the salaries of the lowest paid members. The gas, water, and electricity services were also collectivized. The collective managing water lowered rates by 50% and was still able to contribute large amounts of money to the anti-fascist militia committee. The railway workers collectivized the railroads, and where technicians in the railroads had fled, experienced workers were chosen as replacements. The replacements proved adequate despite their lack of formal schooling, because they had learned through the experience of working together with the technicians to maintain the lines.

2019-03-09 04:11:52 UTC  

socialism has literally worked

2019-03-09 04:12:32 UTC  

Seems legit

2019-03-09 04:12:41 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:12:47 UTC  

legit is my name

2019-03-09 04:13:46 UTC  

/questions my political idealogy/

2019-03-09 04:14:12 UTC  

Trump is no Bueno

2019-03-09 04:14:24 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:14:38 UTC  

trump has been shit since he started his campaign

2019-03-09 04:15:14 UTC  

good read

2019-03-09 04:15:22 UTC  

He's a criminal whos manipulating the fundamentally broken system for personal gain

2019-03-09 04:15:37 UTC  

Dat is facts right there

2019-03-09 04:15:51 UTC  

He's getting paid by big pharma and fossil fuel

2019-03-09 04:16:32 UTC  

So that he votes for legislation in their favor

2019-03-09 04:16:33 UTC  

GG @shimmy, you just advanced to level 11!

2019-03-09 04:17:10 UTC  

Mee6 agrees

2019-03-09 04:17:10 UTC  

GG @BlackHawk, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-03-09 04:17:16 UTC  


2019-03-09 04:17:17 UTC  

Who in their right mind would mock green energy, when it has the potential to create millions of jobs? Only someone who was being paid millions or even billions by big petroleum companies :))

2019-03-09 04:17:46 UTC  

Mee6 is the fbi tuning in, that's proof right there

2019-03-09 04:18:26 UTC  

if Trump really cared about illegal immigration, he would punish companies that hire illegals, instead of building a useless wall that only accounts for a minority of illegals that cross through the border

2019-03-09 04:18:27 UTC  

GG @Mariya Takeuchi, you just advanced to level 2!