Message from @bruv
Discord ID: 571872743994425365
Already seen a gif spoiling what happens to thanos and I got very upset😡
No more spoiler!
@NobleBeing what happened to him?
Iron man did the thing 😳
@Gerry Ant man went into thanos' ass and expanded back to normal size
no he did not do that
i saw the movie yesterday
Spoil it pls
I'm seriously not going to watch it so what happened
If you havent watched endgame yet dont say you werent warned
it is discriminatory for someone to not be a good general just because they supported slavery
you don't have to agree 100% with people you look up to
@Leftists who are picking on Trump for saying Lee was a great general, which he was
GG @John Brook, you just advanced to level 3!
You know I'm not even surprise anymore at Chicago.
It's a real crap hole
P.s. yes I know it's a meme however still a craphole
Made a meme video out of this server 😂
Hi, im new here.
@Deleted User how
@Butterfly hi new here im dad