Message from @Desmeon

Discord ID: 594770610572492811

2019-06-30 06:04:02 UTC  

Republican foreign policy has always been a disaster

2019-06-30 06:04:08 UTC  

Would it be worth abolsutely not, would it start more wars, almost guaranteed, would we defeat IRAN, yes

2019-06-30 06:04:08 UTC  


2019-06-30 06:04:12 UTC  

oh it’s trans trender

2019-06-30 06:04:21 UTC  

@Andrew_Hunter u say that like the lefts is any better

2019-06-30 06:04:29 UTC  
2019-06-30 06:04:31 UTC  

can we vc?

2019-06-30 06:04:36 UTC  

By the left do you mean Barack Obama?

2019-06-30 06:04:45 UTC  

im convinced

2019-06-30 06:04:46 UTC  

American foreign policy under both partys has been a complete disaster @Andrew_Hunter

2019-06-30 06:04:57 UTC  

i do not want to vc

2019-06-30 06:05:02 UTC  

Sell uranium to Russia, GREAT IDEA

2019-06-30 06:05:04 UTC  


2019-06-30 06:05:06 UTC  

why doy ou not want to vc?

2019-06-30 06:05:18 UTC  

Pay for illegals to get free shit ANOTHER GREAT IDEA

2019-06-30 06:05:30 UTC  

I never said that selling uranium to the Russians was a good idea

2019-06-30 06:05:40 UTC  

I know

2019-06-30 06:05:50 UTC  

My point is the lefts foreign policy isn’t any better

2019-06-30 06:05:54 UTC  

Imo it’s far far worse

2019-06-30 06:05:57 UTC  

My foreign policy would be to get our troops out of the Middle East

2019-06-30 06:06:03 UTC  

I’m all for that

2019-06-30 06:06:11 UTC  

It’s kinda a lost cause

2019-06-30 06:06:20 UTC  

We have more important issues

2019-06-30 06:06:25 UTC  

it is 7 am

2019-06-30 06:06:25 UTC  

this is fun lol i like debates

2019-06-30 06:06:31 UTC  

i have a choir performance today

2019-06-30 06:06:34 UTC  

no it’s 2:06 am

2019-06-30 06:06:36 UTC  

And to cut aid to Saudi Arabia

2019-06-30 06:06:43 UTC  

We shouldn't be paying for anything taxtion is theft we spend more on Medicare and social security than we do on the military

2019-06-30 06:06:43 UTC  

🆙 | **Tariandude leveled up!**

2019-06-30 06:06:45 UTC  

I agree with that also

2019-06-30 06:07:01 UTC  

Social security is dumb

2019-06-30 06:07:06 UTC  

The way it stands

2019-06-30 06:07:18 UTC  

I know lots and lots of people on welfare indirectly

2019-06-30 06:07:30 UTC  

And they have NO intent on working to get out of their whole

2019-06-30 06:07:41 UTC  

We need to turn it over to the more efficient private industries without any government involvement

2019-06-30 06:07:43 UTC  

Those people don’t deserve social security

2019-06-30 06:07:53 UTC  

No body does it's not a right

2019-06-30 06:08:10 UTC  

U just said u think we need to fund it way more?

2019-06-30 06:08:23 UTC  

That would entitle people to it atleast the way I’ve heard people explain their ideas

2019-06-30 06:08:32 UTC  

No the opposite