Message from

Discord ID: 632398494170218526

2019-10-12 02:05:05 UTC  

**Bach**: greatest [composer] that ever walked the earth... to think that people like nirvana and [greenday]... [tut tut].
*bouree; class! best piece to [play on] [ye] [guitar].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:08 UTC  

**df**: meaning : [da fuck]

df means almost the same thing as "wtf" but,it's more [flexible] and,you can use it in more than [one way].See example.
*Example #1

[Cisco]:"[D00d],that fucking car almost ran me over !"

Mike:"Yeah man,df kind of driving was that ?!"

Example # 2

Cisco:"Your mom was [blowin'] me real good last night ! XD"

Mike:"df dude !"*
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2019-10-12 02:05:11 UTC  

have sex

2019-10-12 02:05:12 UTC  

-df fanfcition

2019-10-12 02:05:12 UTC  

No result :(

2019-10-12 02:05:14 UTC  

-df urban dictionary

2019-10-12 02:05:15 UTC  

**Urban Dictionary**: A [site] where it's a [challenge] to find one [subject] where no one talks about sex.
*Me: *Looks up 'Cookie'*
Definition: "A woman's pussy."
Me: Uh, okay. *Looks up 'Kelly Clarkson'
Definition: "A fine young [piece of ass] that I'd do some naughty things to if I met."
Me: *Looks up 'Herbal Essences'
Definition: "The act of ripping a [girl's ass] and pouring [shampoo] down the middle."
Me: Of course, Urban Dictionary. Of course.*
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2019-10-12 02:05:23 UTC  

-define fanfiction

2019-10-12 02:05:23 UTC  

**fanfiction**: I noticed most of the other definitions here completely trash [fanfiction].

First, definition: [Fanfiction] is when someone takes either the story or characters (or both) of a certain [piece of work], whether it be a novel, tv show, movie, etc, and create their own story based on it. Sometimes people will take characters from one movie and put them in another, which is called a [cross-over].

Most people who [bash] fanfiction are not willing to look past the fact that it's based on something else to see that it could be worth reading IF you like the subject. If they don't like the subject, then obviously they are going to automatically dismiss the fanfiction.

It is true, however, that some fanfictions are rather poorly written and only a few hundred words, and it is also [true that] some people just write them so they can have their favorite characters have sex ([lemon]). But, if you take the time to find something decent, you can end up with a fanfiction story that is so close to the original piece of art, that you'd barely notice the difference.
*Mary decided to write a fanfiction based on a story she had read. She liked the idea of two of the characters as a couple, but it wasn't in the original [plot], so she twisted the story around a bit and evolved the characters so that it seemed as though they actually *could* have been together in the first place. (Good example, it's rare that someone does it perfectly but there are some out there)

Sue was so angry that her two favorite characters never got together that she wrote her own story in which [the first thing] they did was have sex and get married. ([Bad example], but sadly sometimes true)*
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2019-10-12 02:05:24 UTC  

-df cookie

2019-10-12 02:05:24 UTC  

**cookie**: [Food of the gods]
*And so to appease [the gods], we [offered] them a cookie. It seemed to [work].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:30 UTC  

-df kelly clarkson

2019-10-12 02:05:30 UTC  

**Kelly Clarkson**: Winner of season one of [American Idol], capturing the hearts of America. Very bubbly, very [dorky] but loveable personality. Powerful singing voice with performance [charisma] you don't see around in many pop stars.
*Kelly Clarkson deserved to [win] [American Idol].*
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2019-10-12 02:05:37 UTC  

-df marco

2019-10-12 02:05:37 UTC  

**Marco**: One of the greatest guys you will ever meet. Gentleman, and is very good at [treating] women with respect. Genuinely nice to everyone he meets, and is very forgiving. Usually the guy who plays pokemon like it's his religion. He's [contemptuous], however not in a rude sarcastic way, but a funny sarcastic way. Has an incredible taste in music. Commonly tall, and athletic. Enjoys running. A Marco is a funny guy that you could joke with anytime. Always there to be a [shoulder to cry on] whenever you meet him. If you meet a Marco in your life, keep him there for as long as you live.
*Did you [meet] [that guy over there] yet?

Yeah, he's a Marco [for sure].

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2019-10-12 02:05:40 UTC  

-df herbal essences

2019-10-12 02:05:40 UTC  

**herbal essences**: [shampoo] that somehow [gives] women [orgasms]
*[ooooh] [YES YES YES]*
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2019-10-12 02:05:44 UTC  

**Marco**: One of the greatest guys you will ever meet. Gentleman, and is very good at [treating] women with respect. Genuinely nice to everyone he meets, and is very forgiving. Usually the guy who plays pokemon like it's his religion. He's [contemptuous], however not in a rude sarcastic way, but a funny sarcastic way. Has an incredible taste in music. Commonly tall, and athletic. Enjoys running. A Marco is a funny guy that you could joke with anytime. Always there to be a [shoulder to cry on] whenever you meet him. If you meet a Marco in your life, keep him there for as long as you live.
*Did you [meet] [that guy over there] yet?

Yeah, he's a Marco [for sure].

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2019-10-12 02:05:45 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:05:50 UTC  

-df 15

2019-10-12 02:05:50 UTC  

**15**: One of the worst ages of being a teenager. You are in the middle and you wind up with the most problems that age. You are too young to drive without an adult, cannot go to the prom, and get a [part time job] [like real] teenagers. Your head is up your ass and one day you are still a kid [watching cartoons] and another day you'll like to have sex. This is also the age when most teen problems occur such as anorexia and cutting.
*Bob: I am 15... what a [crappy] [age]. Only a few months until I turn [16], I can't wait.*
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2019-10-12 02:06:09 UTC  

-df Greta thunberg

2019-10-12 02:06:09 UTC  

**Greta Thunberg**: A [brain-dead] "climate activist" who is not even a legal adult, yet she has the [audacity] to cry to politicians regarding [climate change], without offering any solutions to the problems she mentions. Those who listen to her and praise her may as well also be brain-dead.
*Greta Thunberg: "[How dare you]! You have [stolen] my dreams and my [childhood] with your empty words."*
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2019-10-12 02:06:14 UTC

2019-10-12 02:06:25 UTC  

Perfect timing @pompompiggy

2019-10-12 02:06:48 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:06:53 UTC  

I didn’t even realize

2019-10-12 02:06:54 UTC

2019-10-12 02:06:58 UTC  

How many chicks you be scoring

2019-10-12 02:07:03 UTC  

-df teen

2019-10-12 02:07:04 UTC  

**teen**: In online chatrooms it means a man in his [40's] or [50's] with his [nob] out.
*In [yahoo] chat TEEN room - male, 42... male, [54]...male, [49]*
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2019-10-12 02:07:08 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:07:09 UTC  

I swear I can’t stand his chat anymore it’s just “have sex”

2019-10-12 02:07:12 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:07:17 UTC  

I average about 2 a year my man

2019-10-12 02:07:18 UTC  

have sex @Techpriest

2019-10-12 02:07:20 UTC  

-df have sex

2019-10-12 02:07:20 UTC  

**have sex**: A [mocking] [gesture] made in [response] to someone’s arguments perceived to be defending the actions or idealogies of incels.
*A: I don’t know you don’t see [attractiveness] being a primary factor in getting dates. There’s already plenty of evidence that [lookism] is real and affects people’s lives [on a daily basis]. So what exactly is your argument?

B: have sex*
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2019-10-12 02:07:26 UTC  


2019-10-12 02:07:26 UTC  

Furry I can’t understand your mindset

2019-10-12 02:07:34 UTC  

why was i pinged @pompompiggy