Message from @EuroPeon
Discord ID: 272140648554037250
brown eyes and brown hair
he understood he wasn't the master race he described and people use that to push the idea that he really was looking at truth about race and such
because he knew he wasnt the best and was willing to acknowledge it
@Father Chad not brown eyes apprently
weird, I could've sworn I read they were brown
Weren't they blue?
This type of dark-hair but blue eyes appearance is quite common among Germans
@The Enlightened Shepherd Black hair, blue eyes? Yeah, that sounds common with most Caucasians.
This is a problem...
Firefox or any other Mozilla based browser. Win/Linux. Old problem actually... common with mozilla.
I could try Mac as well... but what's the point? There's a problem.
if any of you are in the mood for Slavic nationalistic metal
slav teechno
it's good and then the accordian comes in
I love this one, it's in my native language
You're Swedish mate?
I am.
rip, how are you surviving the animal invasion?
I'm Swedish Liberator on chimpire.
Well, I dunno.
lol Euro
They sing in the song "give me a reason to believe, in a Swedish Sweden" 😦
are you Serbian dude?
I can't imagine a foreigner knowing this song
me no
I just know the dankest memes
No I'm not Serbian I just like the song.
Only jugoslavic sentence I know is puci mi curats.
I was asking Peon 😃 and congratz man
those are some crazy meme skills
many years ago I talked with a serbian girl