Message from @Jossi
Discord ID: 258310517834252288
Baldwin why won't you talk to us? You should hear how I'm trashtalking protestants right now.
#FF0000 💊 thru #010000 💊
Come defend your religion.
I'll be on the mic later
okay...was just wondering cuz I don't hear anyone
oh you serbian bastard
I don't see what the big deal is with Aleppo lmfao they've been blowing the shit outta each other for fuckin ages
I just unplugged my mic.
Just gunna listen to this like I would a podcast
Okay well like 5 years-ish.
Fixed? fixed.
It's not a new thing. Yet "world leaders" are calling "emergency meetings" right now and they're having a "humanitarian crisis" 🙄
Fixed like Weiner's pedo habit 👍
we need a memes channel
why not keep em in here?
gonna be tough if chat goes quick when more ppl join
ill make a channel
i havent listened to it but i will check it out now that you mention it to me
you wouldn't have dropped out of my history class. people, even the lefties in the class, love it 😃
I'm fun
and i let them write about movies for extra credit
that's not cool. and it kinda sucks, history is so interesting
someone wanted to know about aleppo?