Message from @MrGoat
Discord ID: 258684644600446977
ready, aim
that felt good
headshot +100
It's -8˚ Celcius here. That fucking chill enough IMO
-20 ish
bye bye Dylan
-20 celsius?
holy fuck
where are you
Did he ragequit?
and that is cold!!!!!!
nah slav kicked him
American Russia
He was sent to a reeducation facility
Takes all kinds and some people just can't handle reality. #ShamelessSelfPromotion
The pigs eat everything, including the bones
Countryside human disposal is awesome
Pigs for Pedos Foundation?
Feed pedos to pigs
any Germans in here?
maybe I should give the hangout another shoutout in German
@diversity_is_racism I feel bad for the pigs though
they shouldn't have to eat pedo scum
lol true
Send them out to space with a catapult maybe? PEDO CHUCKIN'
Poor pigs
Deserve better food
But pedos are fatty and might be tasty if BBQd
Win10 = 50% gay, 50% improved
ich bin kein deutsch aber ich habe deutsch studieren lol