Message from @jakee528
Discord ID: 434315742398382081
@Trix can you elaborate? i realize some things, but i know i don't have the big picture
if you see the earlier account i gave of things, my newest account was the one that got locked [ like immediately had not even completed setting it up ]-- i never give phone numbers, and if i wanted a gmail acct as a throwaway i could prob do that-- but the less google in my life the better, bad enough i have a yt acct i guess. so my more 'real' main acct which still has no irl name, number, nor location has been the least suppressed
since it was only shadowbanned, i have been using my 2nd of 3 accts only on vpn. i guess i could vpn both just in case, and pick diff countires
both as in the ok one and #2
What we are figuring out is shadow bans are on timers. Must often 24 hours.
Me --->
@Somok3r use the “badge” channel for this..
@Deleted User
@Deleted UserMontaco
@Deleted User
@Deleted UserMontaco
Hah, o7 Whisper Cloud...Mech warrior?
Forever suspended all accounts get suspended eventually
Please don’t post same post in multiple channels.
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