Message from @TrustyJAID
Discord ID: 428731050701881355
Meme warfare on #ReleaseTheVideo and related hashtags need to be high priority.
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.1.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /GreatAwakening/
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!8zpkiDLI!9Nvzo58Qz39yBMrevj9NUTwUJUDSR8pTtNmrXtXa8eE>
This is a Q Team post that most researchers haven't added to their compilations.
potus repeated NEVER in capital letters in serveral recent tweets. now he tweets ALWAYS in capital letters. @Enoch and @Bro whatcha think?
that is at least the 3rd NEVER in a potus tweet i have seen recently, maybe there are more I missed. but does this refer back to a q post?
They are posting todays Q posts are fake its not his code are they real?
100% real that is the new “tripcode”
Q's posts from yesterday should be bronzed
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.2.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /GreatAwakening/
/-/-/-/ & /Qresearch/ #1015 & #1019.
/-/-/-/ /GA/ is terminated.
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!AjR1WISC!z-imOIOqvcBF0dXju-0a3jZ6v3PlLjck9bOZN0UUiBY>
Thanks guys it can get confusing..
If they take JA 's internet away doesn't he have a dead man switch? Won't it be like a tidal wave of information?
apparently the Clinton e-mails were also updated February 2, 2018.
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.3.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /Qresearch/
/-/-/-/ #1024, #1025 & #1026.
/-/-/-/ We will not fail.
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!szYwHZ7L!d1u0UXhR72OvQCynq24tI4sSCsTXdLCJ2CCjjMKPLL0>
today we get a new Q board im thinking
Q said follow Marina. She's still in Hong Kong. How does she look this good if she's 71 years old?
Who is "P" could it be Pharoh? Ck this vid out:
regarding the pam anderson exposing pedo network would make sense with her history
Who is "P" is it a "P"haroh? John Podesta is clearly thinking Egyptian gods.
Twitter Patriots updated the indictment list yesterday. TRUST SESSIONS now at 24,544 since October 30 2017 - normal is 1,077 per YEAR. Huge increase – many would have been in Qs “BOOM, BOOM, BOOM” week – I’ll give Q full credit for those, and I had noticed a couple other BOOMs that week that I posted. This is good news indeed – we start the week off with a BOOM! Stats: 6,034 new for March alone, average for prior 4 months is 4,627. March had a 23% increase in indictments from Trump/Q/Sessions/Wray prior monthly average.
@Deleted User that timestamp theory about the clinton body count plane crash happening at the same time of day as that original Q post, do you still have that graphic?
Yes, I think so Enoch
I posted it on Twitter....
@Enoch Is Q saying we were right about that?
i think he is telling that anon he replied to is wrong, and to think timestamp, and that theory fits the bill with the plane crash
I will go get the graphic so we can look again. Gimme a minute...kk?