Message from @Deplorable
Discord ID: 428706325707358211
Will has been back on YouTube for 3 days now at “Will Power”. His old channel “Qanon 8Chan” was deleted by YouTube the second he said Cabal kid oink oink’s name from the Florida MKULTRA false flag. He is an excellent Q tuber, and may appeal to your boomer or Yoga or long haired friends – as he is all of them ha. He may be younger than boomer by a few years. He has an African Grey parrot that squawks in the back sometimes.
Will teaches yoga.
Re-read comments RE: Stage. Is this a command from Q Team telling us that we need to set the stage for a HRC video release?
POTUS wants this of us. This was 2 days later. We ***NEED*** to set the stage.
Meme warfare on #ReleaseTheVideo and related hashtags need to be high priority.
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.1.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /GreatAwakening/
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!8zpkiDLI!9Nvzo58Qz39yBMrevj9NUTwUJUDSR8pTtNmrXtXa8eE>
This is a Q Team post that most researchers haven't added to their compilations.
potus repeated NEVER in capital letters in serveral recent tweets. now he tweets ALWAYS in capital letters. @Enoch and @Bro whatcha think?
that is at least the 3rd NEVER in a potus tweet i have seen recently, maybe there are more I missed. but does this refer back to a q post?
They are posting todays Q posts are fake its not his code are they real?
100% real that is the new “tripcode”
Q's posts from yesterday should be bronzed
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.2.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /GreatAwakening/
/-/-/-/ & /Qresearch/ #1015 & #1019.
/-/-/-/ /GA/ is terminated.
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!AjR1WISC!z-imOIOqvcBF0dXju-0a3jZ6v3PlLjck9bOZN0UUiBY>
If they take JA 's internet away doesn't he have a dead man switch? Won't it be like a tidal wave of information?
apparently the Clinton e-mails were also updated February 2, 2018.
@everyone @here
/-/-/-/ New QMap PDF freshly baked.
/-/-/-/ With much love. v. 8.3.0
/-/-/-/ Updated with /Qresearch/
/-/-/-/ #1024, #1025 & #1026.
/-/-/-/ We will not fail.
/-/-/-/ Commented and sourced.
**Q Clearance Archive**
-**Anonfile:** <>
-**SCRIBD:** <>
-**MEGA:** <!szYwHZ7L!d1u0UXhR72OvQCynq24tI4sSCsTXdLCJ2CCjjMKPLL0>
today we get a new Q board im thinking
Q said follow Marina. She's still in Hong Kong. How does she look this good if she's 71 years old?
Who is "P" could it be Pharoh? Ck this vid out:
regarding the pam anderson exposing pedo network would make sense with her history
Who is "P" is it a "P"haroh? John Podesta is clearly thinking Egyptian gods.
Twitter Patriots updated the indictment list yesterday. TRUST SESSIONS now at 24,544 since October 30 2017 - normal is 1,077 per YEAR. Huge increase – many would have been in Qs “BOOM, BOOM, BOOM” week – I’ll give Q full credit for those, and I had noticed a couple other BOOMs that week that I posted. This is good news indeed – we start the week off with a BOOM! Stats: 6,034 new for March alone, average for prior 4 months is 4,627. March had a 23% increase in indictments from Trump/Q/Sessions/Wray prior monthly average.
@Deleted User that timestamp theory about the clinton body count plane crash happening at the same time of day as that original Q post, do you still have that graphic?
Yes, I think so Enoch
I posted it on Twitter....