Message from @tritrium

Discord ID: 526450597340381185

2018-12-23 17:18:08 UTC  

As I see things progressing right now I truly think society will collapse and reset

2018-12-23 17:18:23 UTC  

it's beyond fixing

2018-12-23 17:18:30 UTC  

as it stands right now

2018-12-23 17:19:26 UTC  

But let me tell you how much we care about you as a creator, so much even that we feel its necessary to invade your space and tell you what we think is moral AND impose that on you. if you disagree with our subjective overton window -based moral view, we wont only remove you, but you are also a bad person.

2018-12-23 17:19:46 UTC  

the fact that people have started thinking like that is because we are pretty luxurious considering all things, most of us don't have to worry about survival, ect so we have too much free time and start making up some story/drama to make stuff more interesting

2018-12-23 17:19:59 UTC  

I guess this is what life without purpose does to people

2018-12-23 17:20:41 UTC  

I genuinly do not understand that

2018-12-23 17:22:15 UTC  

Well i do not understand how one can get to that level of thought

2018-12-23 17:22:26 UTC  

i do understand the underlying idea

2018-12-23 17:22:56 UTC  

also I think they are doing nothing more than shooting themselves in their feet, getting rid of creators will do nothing for them in this capitalistic society

2018-12-23 17:23:10 UTC  

they really need to learn economics 101

2018-12-23 17:23:33 UTC  

Well that depends on what timeframe u look at

2018-12-23 17:23:33 UTC  

"Stay objective and seperate profession from private"

2018-12-23 17:24:40 UTC  

Anyway id come and talk

2018-12-23 17:24:50 UTC  

but im currently giving no mans sky another shot

2018-12-23 17:25:14 UTC  

ho ho

2018-12-23 17:25:49 UTC  

I'll probably join in a while cuz I still need to eat dinner

2018-12-23 17:26:03 UTC  

One of the rare developers that managed to change a terrible launch and review bombs

2018-12-23 17:26:09 UTC  

into something positive

2018-12-23 17:26:30 UTC  

by simply delivering what people expected in the first place and more

2018-12-23 17:26:43 UTC  

U know, they couldve easily done a blizzard or EA

2018-12-23 17:26:48 UTC  

and complain about the customers

2018-12-23 17:27:18 UTC  

brb 🍽

2018-12-23 18:04:52 UTC  

@tritrium It's not all that hard to understand why they would invade your "creator" space and tell you how to think and what to do. I think I mentioned this once before, they look down on people that's why. In their eyes you are just a person that was brainwashed by this society and it's their job to correct that. Sounds an aweful lot like a story from a book doesn't it? It's because when you have nothing filling your life, you start making stuff up. They see everything through a distorted lens of justice. They either look at you as a full blown enemy or a poor sucker that doesn't know any better

2018-12-23 18:06:19 UTC  

it's overblown ignorant arrogance in it's most basic form

2018-12-23 18:07:45 UTC  

however if things were only that simple than this problem wouldn't exist or be already solved

2018-12-23 18:09:13 UTC  

from what I can see some of the self proclaimed anti-sjw's aren't much better, we are both underestimating the complexity of the issue and the other side

2018-12-23 18:09:56 UTC  

we are both looking down on eachother thinking what we are doing is the right thing, neither willing to actually study the other side and make a compromise

2018-12-23 19:08:15 UTC  

@tritrium I keep reading your name as trivium

2018-12-23 19:08:19 UTC  

stop being a band

2018-12-23 19:16:16 UTC  


2018-12-23 20:44:06 UTC  


2018-12-23 21:25:45 UTC  

That be your head.

2018-12-23 21:43:04 UTC  

oh hey hey

2018-12-23 21:44:21 UTC  


2018-12-23 21:44:37 UTC  

Pussy the christmas coochie? lol

2018-12-23 21:45:30 UTC  

Yeah 😊

2018-12-23 21:45:48 UTC  

it's a play from Mr. Hanky the Christmas Poo