
Discord ID: 95723712162041856

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hello.. good lord, this is a huge server

People talk all over each others?

OOh.. I'll lurk a bie more. and I take there's a lot of audio chat here too since there are 4 chat rooms!? O_o

I used to mostly nonpolitical, but the far left had driven me to be apposed to everything they stand for.

It really came around for me after a mob last year tried to ruin me.. Im not sure what they'd expect out of me, but it only just drive me be resentful against "the loving left".

Ahh well, I guess thats why trump was elected.

social media character assassination. they also went on change dot org and petitioned against me out of my own company. Harassed my workers, harassed my suppliers.

the petition reached 2100ppl but it was taken down due to violation of their TOS under bullying.

Im a small business owner. so it's not just big business only thing

remember the guy who worked for the berkeley hotdog stand who went to charlettesville ? they're even smaller than my company.

Im still alive, and I live only to be a thorn to the far left.

they made who I am today in 2018

Haha ymy company isnt even close to papa john size. and we're not food service

and Papa John with THIS avatar? ๐Ÿ˜› really?

This avatar is actually one of my company mascot that I've used about 12 years ago.

I've adapted it for my personal icon as has been long retired. and it's a bit special to me.

No, nothing like that. no pr0n

though Im sure you can ask tim for beanie p0rn

No, you can't smash anything . .it's NNN

It's a fashion import company

I guess like most people here.. I dont always agree on Tim's angle. but he is a good journalist

Naw, not Jlist.. Jlist targets weeaboos . Im actually more in the fashion industry, less so anime / cosplay stuff

single outfit typically starts at around $300. Its meant for people who are a bit more serious on the fashion side of things.

Not including accessories.

yes, but since my situation, I'll have to get to know people more before any locational information are dispense. hope you understand my paranoida

also it's recommend by our company attorney.

@Schedrevka : you cant fire me. I own the damn company. Also firing me means me folding the company to retire, and putting a number of people of work.. so yea..

Leftist doesnt understand the unintended consequences.


Ok, so noted. ๐Ÿ˜„

note to self, fire self.

@Dusty Morgan : Charlottesville. Some woman in Berkeley posted an image juxtapose foot ball kneeler kapernick (or whatever his face is. not into ball sports) , to the nazi flag waver at the unit the right thing. she asked, how is this (football) not ok, and the other other ok (nazi flag). In which I've answered: One is just guy expressing his opinion on the job, on someone else's dime, the other is a bunch of people expressing their opinion on their own time, and own time. And I dont like either.

@Dusty Morgan : somebody who didnt like me cropped out the last line and andstarted post it in my customer communities, and called me a nazi.

Wrong think.. From someone who actually lived in a communist country, fled it and now Im some grand wizard with the KKK and nazi death squad

Well, too late now.. spilled milk..

So, with nothing to loose, Im just going to exist and make them rage. cause I dont care anymore

I dont know.. can a woman be a wizard?

Never heard of a klan witch.

and Im kinda too yellow to mingle in the meetings..

My friend jokely calls me the grand crayon these days as a in joke over this.

Which reminds me of the dave chappelle skit

Anyways, Im still in the thick of all this because Im in the commiefornia. and Berkeley isnt too far away.

er.. there's a cork shortage?

anyways, there are more woke fun-ness lately.

locally there's an anti-republican halloween display that gotten on the news. here, it's of course quite acceptable, and people practically circle jerk around it.

anywhoo I've decided to check it out myself. only to find that the person who made the display didnt realize his display is racist.

It got really awkward very fast when I pointed out how racist it was.

its a public display no?

anyways, it was basically every skeleton had a sign / name tag

the one exception was the kim jung un skeketon, he had a rubber mask with bucktooth and squinty eyes..

Nobody thought it was racist until I pointed it out. Then they said.. oh yea.. that is racist.....

Well, it was up there with black face , not so much hung from a tree.

well, its mostly to pick at their logic

Im an accidental nazi too!

wow, thats an apology

or should I say. Oy Vey

why bother to do anything? just get a lap band

hahaha verified is an emoji? lol

need moar poopie

because diet takes efforts? people dont like to take efforts?

according to obama care, yes.

Probably more the quantity than anything else.

people in asia eat pretty much an all carb diet. and you dont see people rollie pollie like that

I think it's more a haiku instead

_is not sure rather to take wisdoms from @taekahn or not....._

in aqua sanitas

you wont catch mysterious tropical diseases that way

*cringes and scoots backs a bit*

ok Im done. not in front of my salad.

tim is allowed to be conflicted

I just mason jar

some local guy here thinks Linden secondlife currency is the same as crypto currencies.

speaking of minds.. Is it me or is there no way to remove search term #'s once you entered them?

strange picture

you can always use a keyboard condom

just say you're a democrat, then you can get away doing just about everything.. news report will say its a new sport the new generation

umm pizza

but there is california


I thought it was internet captain picard.

I wonder if tim ever head pest issues with his beanie

my friend who wears her all the time ended up being infested with fleas. lots of them

this is fb?

plz no zucc

silicon valley will just manipulate the result

they will say only <:VeRiFiEd:463064374236413962> can vote.

Gen Z too young and is busy watching dragon ball z reruns right now

I think you can buy it directly from FB

No, but Kron4 just told me how common hate crime is 5 mins ago with their news update.

local homeless (SF bayarea) homeless encampment caught on fire again.. smells like burnt salty fish.

At this rate, I can only claim the homeless population is highly combustable. And it is a renewable resource.

oh yea, people were getting shot there too. while gavin newsome congrats mayor libby on her fine work.

because gun show loop hole, silly!

funny ( maybe) that over pass is being worked on, some drunk woman crashed into the construction sight, and the support beam fell down from that overpass, closing the entire north bound 880 route.

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