Message from

Discord ID: 650991803880964096

2019-12-02 09:14:39 UTC  

All that is required to make Christianity plausible is God, and science makes Hod plausible. Don’t affiliate the whole with young earth creationists.

2019-12-02 09:15:01 UTC  


2019-12-02 09:17:22 UTC  

Why is the word so fucking retarded

2019-12-02 09:17:40 UTC  

KKK songs now like wtf

2019-12-02 09:18:00 UTC

2019-12-02 09:18:48 UTC  

-df cervix

2019-12-02 09:18:48 UTC  

**cervix**: Begining of the [womb]
*[Look at] your cervix with a [speculum]*
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2019-12-02 09:19:01 UTC  

-df hymen

2019-12-02 09:19:01 UTC  

**hymen**: The hymen or vaginal corona is a tissue, usually doughnut-shaped, inside the vagina. They don't "break" or bleed, but some of the hymen can stretch or tear. It is normal for some of the hymen to wear away due to normal activities such as bathing, masturbation, even just moving around or stretching. Contrary to popular belief, it is actually pretty unlikely that a hymen will be damaged by [riding a bike] or a horse, because all these activities really do is put [pressure on] the [perineum], not interfere with the vagina itself. It does not completely cover the vagina; if it did, menstruation would be impossible for girls with intact hymens. By the time full [PVI] occurs, the hymen is (usually) already mostly worn away.
*The hymen is widely [misunderstood].*
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2019-12-02 09:21:28 UTC  

that gif

2019-12-02 09:21:30 UTC  

is depressing

2019-12-02 09:23:24 UTC  

pomp is underage

2019-12-02 09:23:25 UTC  


2019-12-02 09:23:51 UTC  
2019-12-02 09:28:10 UTC  

-df degenerate

2019-12-02 09:28:10 UTC  

**degenerate**: Someone who is a disgrace to society. A consumer but not a producer. A [Taker] but not a [giver]. Someone who has declined in morals and spends most of his/her time partying, having sex, drinking heavily and doing all that while being a general fucking [neet].
*Example 1:
*At a party*
Joe: Jane, Tim is looking for you! Why are you with Josh now?
Jane: Tell Josh, to fuck off!
Joe: You fucked Tim an hour ago and now you're going for Josh?
Jane: Why a woman can't love to have sex? As boys would say I have a huge [sexdrive].
Joe: You are such a degenerate, Jane

Example 2:
Bill: Man, I fucked seven different girls this week every day. I'm such a [hunk].
Danny: No, Bill. Collecting STDs is not something you should be proud of. You are a [fucking degenerate].*
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2019-12-02 09:28:49 UTC  

-df neeg

2019-12-02 09:28:49 UTC  

**neeg**: a [black person]
*[Man], that neeg is [sure] [tight]*
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2019-12-02 09:29:00 UTC  

-df neet

2019-12-02 09:29:00 UTC  

**neet**: Another acronym from sociologists... [NEET] stands for 'Not in Education, Employment or Training'. I'm not sure, yet, whether it has any global significance or derogatory overtones. However, like chav, it seems to be particularly applicable to a social under-class lacking drive, motivation or ambition. I part this is due to poverty and lack of opportunity. But this [burgeoning] [classification] will soon become the darling of right-wingers.
*[Tokyo] [NEETs] have recently been [marching].

The North East in the UK has a pronounced abundance of NEETs*
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2019-12-02 09:37:05 UTC  

-df love

2019-12-02 09:37:05 UTC  

**Love**: In order to define love we have to first differentiate between what is normally called ‘love’ and true, conscious love; they couldn’t be [more different]. We all grow up in a society where it’s simply accepted that we will ‘fall in love’ with someone. But because most people are unaware of [feel-think] and how it works, they are unable to actually understand what this ‘love’ feeling really is or why it happens. It is impossible to estimate how much useless suffering could be avoided by a change in the way we view ‘falling in love.’

In his best-selling book “[Conscious Neuroplastic Mediation]: The Next Step in the Evolution of Human Consciousness” (2018) James LaFerla describes in detail how people grow up conditioned to have certain habitual feelings (see feel-think) and then unconsciously find a partner that will satisfy their addiction. For example, a woman or man who was chronically anxious in their childhood will find someone to make them feel chronically anxious as a partner. The important thing to understand is that when someone [selects] another as a result of their childhood conditioning, and everyone does, it is not love. It is an extremely sad situation where a couple has unconsciously agreed to, not only continue their childhood drama, but continually intensify it as well. Only someone who has become aware of and mastered feel-think can ever be said to actually love another.
*It is impossible to [estimate] how much useless suffering could be avoided by a change [in the way] we view ‘[falling in love].’*
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2019-12-02 09:52:30 UTC  

-df gay

2019-12-02 09:52:30 UTC  

**Gay**: (a) Able to [sit] nearer than [five] feet away from one’s bro in a [hot tub]
*“Two broooos, [chillin]’ in a [hot tub], [five feet apart], ‘cause they’re not gay”*
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2019-12-02 10:04:34 UTC

2019-12-02 10:11:18 UTC  

My pp so hard and it's not picture related

2019-12-02 10:20:32 UTC

2019-12-02 10:36:38 UTC  

2019-12-02 10:36:39 UTC  

GG @Simmons ☧, you just advanced to level 1!

2019-12-02 10:36:47 UTC  


2019-12-02 10:37:05 UTC  
2019-12-02 10:37:23 UTC  

<a:pepepoogersfast:585612650264788993> <a:pepepoogersfast:585612650264788993> <a:pepepoogersfast:585612650264788993>

2019-12-02 10:37:34 UTC  

That’s what I was going for

2019-12-02 10:39:11 UTC  


2019-12-02 10:39:15 UTC  


2019-12-02 11:26:30 UTC  


2019-12-02 11:26:49 UTC  

-df cumquat

2019-12-02 11:26:49 UTC  

**cumquat**: What [David] [Essex] is.
*"That [David] [Essex] is a [foppish] cumquat."*
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2019-12-02 11:27:49 UTC  


2019-12-02 11:35:56 UTC  

Hello gentleman