Message from @Khanclansith

Discord ID: 527647173983338509

2018-12-26 20:41:35 UTC  

So in order to buy a rifle in my home state, i need to git licened figure printed, and interviewed, or I can drive 20 mins to virgina and buy one today with a back ground check and a 3 day wait.

2018-12-26 20:41:47 UTC  

Wait, no, no 3day wait.

2018-12-26 20:41:55 UTC  

just a background check, fuck yeah.

2018-12-26 21:19:54 UTC  

and that is a legal purchase

2018-12-26 21:55:55 UTC  

Yeah check if your state allows gun purchases across state lines

2018-12-26 22:09:20 UTC  

@Dennafen maryland?

2018-12-26 22:09:36 UTC  

I know maryland has a bunch of weird laws

2018-12-26 22:10:05 UTC  

AR15s not allowed unless they have heavy barrels, no sales of magazines over 10 rounds but ones purchased out of state are ok iirc

2018-12-26 23:00:36 UTC  

being in florida is pretty nice compared to most of the garbage states

2018-12-26 23:01:06 UTC  

TX law has some quirks

2018-12-26 23:08:48 UTC  

I received a hard case for my Mosin-Nagant as a Christmas-gift:

2018-12-26 23:08:55 UTC

2018-12-26 23:09:01 UTC

2018-12-26 23:09:11 UTC

2018-12-26 23:09:13 UTC

2018-12-26 23:09:14 UTC  

Gay. It should be a vintage wood lookin mother fucker

2018-12-26 23:09:19 UTC

2018-12-26 23:09:21 UTC

2018-12-27 00:32:52 UTC  

Are you allowed to store your rifle with it's bolt in your jurisdiction? Some of the People's republics have banned that

2018-12-27 00:40:11 UTC  

What is the point of having a gun if you can't have a gun that works?

2018-12-27 00:41:29 UTC  

Thats what the tyrants want with their "Safe Storage Requirements"

2018-12-27 02:03:04 UTC  

The most common reason to own a gun in the US today has been self defense

2018-12-27 02:04:16 UTC  

If the gun isn't accessible quickly for self defense legally then you've already eliminated a bunch of future gun owners/gun rights supporters

2018-12-27 02:25:51 UTC  

And by making it illegal having a firearm ready to use for self defense you have effectively criminalized self defense

2018-12-27 02:29:46 UTC  

Arguement is that it's premeditated if the weapon is kept in a condition ready to fire.

2018-12-27 02:34:13 UTC  

If I have a firearm in condition cold i can respond in five seconds or there about (bolt closed, unloaded) If I have the firearm disassembled who the fuck knows if I can use it to defend myself. I am looking at a carbine against the wall with a blue mag in holding the place, a ready mag close by, now I can put that into action effectively in responce to a threat, but as it is stored, it is not a danger.

2018-12-27 02:34:16 UTC  

...Yes. That's the point.

2018-12-27 02:34:38 UTC  

"You were ready beforehand to defend yourself!"


2018-12-27 02:35:27 UTC  

I live in a country where if I sleep with a weapon next to my bed, and someone attacked, and I used that weapon, I'd do prison time for pre-meditation.

2018-12-27 02:35:37 UTC  

Then you live in a country with bad laws.

2018-12-27 02:35:41 UTC  

Unless I can explain why that weapon was next to my bed.

2018-12-27 02:36:01 UTC  

"The weapon was next to my bed so that it would be readily available to me."

2018-12-27 02:36:30 UTC  

Those are tyrannical laws that are designed to keep the peasants down.

2018-12-27 02:36:58 UTC  

The line is 'I keep the baseball bat in my room, so that guests don't knock it into my wall, I heard a noise I was afraid, so I grabbed the first thing I could reach, and I hit the intruder with it, when I saw what I thought was a weapon in his hand'.

2018-12-27 02:37:18 UTC  

In short, we have to lie.

2018-12-27 02:37:28 UTC  

You can argue that those laws are also religious discrimination.

2018-12-27 02:37:34 UTC  

About a baseball bat, or a dumbbell.

2018-12-27 02:37:55 UTC  

If I were Sikh? Absolutely.

2018-12-27 02:39:16 UTC  

"It is a custom belief to keep a blackened blade under your pillow to ward off dark spirits that bring nightmares," this is in a few religions.

2018-12-27 06:10:56 UTC

2018-12-27 12:34:59 UTC  

**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!