Message from @pratel
Discord ID: 548022029593477130
Man I was born too late
stamped receivers are pretty standard on AKs
I'm not sure what they'd use as a backstop. But yeah, old High Schools in the north still have shooting ranges in the basements that go unused.
@pratel In Germany when I was younger you can actually shoot Air Pressure BB Guns...
only the more expensive ones have milled receivers and neither is really better
8 year olds shoot pump bb guns in the us still...
It's a cub scout thing. The Boy Scouts move on to 10/22s and 12 gauges.
^ That too
In the US you can just buy air pressure regular guns just fine
Have it mailed straight to your door
I recall the J(something) having access to a airgun range before class.
Point is people used to be trusted with that the same way we trust people with cars
Most people understand the dangers of them. It's too be fair that we trust them as young adults.
Heck I could start talking about how we let people drive at 16
@BACON probably the JROTC if you're in the US (Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps)
Yeah, I've had some Europeans come over and complain how easy it is to learn to drive and get a motorcycle. Drove me nuts.
You'd be surprised what kids are capable of when you give them responsibility
Indeed. Kids are much more responsible than people realize. They're also better at assessing risks than you'd imagine. This goes double if they've been allowed to hurt themselves a bit (non fatally of course) in the past.
Look into Free Range Parenting.
Here's some shit storm guys.
**Forgotten Weapons** Uploaded a new youtube video!
Bwuhahahaha press trigger "click" 😄
Oh and here 04
Oh shit, at 17min, Othias (03)
gun destruction is always painful to me
just give them to me and ill "destroy" them
@Pawteegal_❤❄🍑 Saw that last night Bechmade put out a statement that the police asked to use their tools so they said sure and then the cops had a "Demo-party" and now they are claiming they love the second, but are in a tight spot since they didn't know what was happening until it's too late the bench made shit here are the true thoughts on it it goes till around 1:25:01
@Khanclansith : They had a huge booth at SHOTshow lthis year too. complete with a tatoo table, with a line of people getting their skin marked.. I wonder 1) how those people feel now. 2) how next year will pan out with people like me will come back geering at them
Do you know why those guns were destroyed? Illegal, counterfeit, used in crime?
it dont matter
it still guns some one can use for good
no gun is illegal 😤
@bitels They claim that under state law any firearm seized as evidence of a crime can not be sold and must be destroyed once the case is over..
thats stupid