Message from @valeriaa
Discord ID: 656213281350090773
**meep**: The most versatile word in the English language, or in fact any language!
Can mean whatever you want it to mean, but the most popular uses are:
1. An exclamation akin to 'ouch' or 'uh oh..'
2. Filling in the [blanks] where other (rude) words would go.
3. A greeting! I personally say [meep] instead of Hello...
4. A random expression of happiness used to fill gaps in conversation.
[Meep] is [the best word ever]! Meep!
*1. "HEY GET BACK HERE!!!" "[Meep]!" [0.0]
2. "Ahh.. [Meeping] Hell!" >.<
3. "Meep." ^.^
4. "....[meep]...." ^__^*
*(<>)* *9 more results*
Gay definition
thats rough
womp womp
holy shit
who asked
not i
not i
This fucker
just like that but more fucked
-mute @thot destroyer 10h
🔇 Muted `paradi$o#5862` for `10 hours`
Little long there innit mate
!youtube courage the cowardly dog
This was sick
that show was the shit
It was amazing
gibbo you loner
25 pog
lil homie was always tryna tell his boys whats going on they never listneded
courage was the real mvp
old guy was a bitch <:peepobad:538084182644228112>
<:angerydoge:591246515280805888> I didn’t have Cartoon Network
disgusting Canadian
It was in Canada
canadians have it rough legit -100 degrees and no good shows
Just not till I was older