Message from @rednaxela
Discord ID: 661116568360583180
angie might be into it though
sad sad
What unites us is better than what divides us
-gr @angie's cooch
Gave `1` Rep to **angie's cooch** (current: `#11` - `33`)
And that, I think of you as one of them... one of them Republicans. When I should think of you as one of us
One of us Americans
i'm not a republican technically
but i support the republicans
and not the democrats at all
Because when we come together, and we discuss, we find we have more in common than we think
And can work out the common good.
except coconut mommy
uh oh
Can I skip that
take a look
It says they aren't taking new ones
So one of you guys leave
you're too new to the server anyway
not worthy
Newer is better
Ok boomer
And, I have the best memes
And am nice
And so cool and sweet
And own a dog
You're a capitalist you can't be mod
ok the dog is a plus but the other parts are kinda gay
You're a fascist, you can't live