
Discord ID: 629558675341705228

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2019-12-28 00:42:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Not always true.

2019-12-28 00:43:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

The government should be able to intervene in support of those who are disadvantaged.

2019-12-28 00:43:35 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Or cheated against.

2019-12-28 00:43:49 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Veterans, the disabled, women, minorities.

2019-12-28 00:44:01 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Well, when a business doesn't give them a fair share.

2019-12-28 00:44:27 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I'm not for "hand outs", I'm for hand ups, there is a lot of potential in Americans.

2019-12-28 00:44:29 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  


2019-12-28 00:44:36 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

As well as benefits agreed upon.

2019-12-28 00:44:53 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

If you are spending the majority of your hours and days, it should at least be tolerable.

2019-12-28 00:45:02 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Well, for pregnant mothers for example.

2019-12-28 00:45:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Or workmen's comp when someone is injured on the job, construction for example.

2019-12-28 00:45:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I have met many people in this field, and they tell me of the risk they face, and unfortunately of some incidients that had occured.

2019-12-28 00:46:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Now, we need to realize that the laborers are the backbone of this country.

2019-12-28 00:46:43 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Not Washington.

2019-12-28 00:46:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

They live in an upper class bubble.

2019-12-28 00:46:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  


2019-12-28 00:47:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I'm middle class, I volunteer with the Democrat Youth, I just want to do what's right.

2019-12-28 00:48:39 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Ww hold meetings, debates, discuss various events, help local congressional candidates and state reps get elected, as well as be present at town halls and other political events. I'd recommend you joining if you're interested in that kind of thing.

2019-12-28 00:49:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Now, here's the thing about healthcare, people deserve it, but we need to find a way to pay for it.

2019-12-28 00:49:41 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Currently, we spend more on healthcare than many European countries per person, yet recieve less coverage.

2019-12-28 00:49:54 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Yes, it is.

2019-12-28 00:50:09 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I believe that those who work or veterans should recieve healthcare.

2019-12-28 00:50:28 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Not to the extent that they should.

2019-12-28 00:50:58 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I know many people without any healthcare, or paying expensive premiums.

2019-12-28 00:51:04 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I'm not a socialist.

2019-12-28 00:51:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

How about you get into VC

2019-12-28 00:52:16 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

We should take this to VC

2019-12-28 00:53:20 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Now, no need for that.

2019-12-28 00:53:31 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Be respectful guys.

2019-12-28 00:54:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

That is authoritarianism.

2019-12-28 00:54:32 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Go volunteer for the Bloomberg campaign if you support that.

2019-12-28 00:54:47 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Well, the law was just raised to 21.

2019-12-28 00:54:52 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I do support that.

2019-12-28 00:55:40 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

We need to help keep the American worker healthy.

2019-12-28 00:55:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Because that keeps our economy healthy.

2019-12-28 00:55:56 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

People should not have to worry about that.

2019-12-28 00:56:07 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

And trade schools should be free.

2019-12-28 00:56:37 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Gentlemen, this is unnecessary.

2019-12-28 00:56:59 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Get on call.

2019-12-28 00:57:30 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

Totally unnecessary to insult each other.

2019-12-28 00:57:58 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

True, get on vc.

2019-12-28 00:58:32 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

You can better communicate over that, and will both be less negative

2019-12-28 00:59:48 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

I am a capitalist.

2019-12-28 01:27:18 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

The thing about taxes is, we need to make sure everyone is paying their fair share

2019-12-28 01:27:29 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

And relieve the burden of the working class

2019-12-28 01:28:23 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  

We don't need Washington to take from our wallet to spend it on us in ways we already could have, every dollar taken is a dollar we could have used in anyway needed.

2019-12-28 01:52:46 UTC [NEWS and POLITICS #government]  


What is this


I got nitro

I have struggled all this time, and begged, pleaded, been bullied.

But I came out victorious

This guy gave me nitro

My tag is now 2020

Who is the owner


Listen, I got nitro now

I'm now level 6 even

I want to be mod.

I'm a fair, guy.

Consensually or?

A little weird for consensual choking

Non-consensual is better

Like, let's say, you and me get into an argument

And I say the workers are the backbone of this country and I support unions

And you tell me you don't...

Then yeah I'll just.. yeah

Just put my cold, large, firm, hands around your soft warm neck, and squeeze the juice out of your mouth till it runs down your cheeks blending in with your tears.

I'll say I fucking hate you, then I realize..

What unites us is better than what divides us

And that, I think of you as one of them... one of them Republicans. When I should think of you as one of us

One of us Americans

Because when we come together, and we discuss, we find we have more in common than we think

And can work out the common good.


Can I skip that

It says they aren't taking new ones

So one of you guys leave

Newer is better

Ok boomer

And, I have the best memes

And am nice

And so cool and sweet

And own a dog


You're a fascist, you can't live

Not for long, communists either

Bet fascists support that



You pinged me first

And also to be your gf

I want to be your gf, good friend.


Valeria is my mom

338 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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