Message from @FuckHands McMike

Discord ID: 417071184950329384

2018-02-24 21:24:11 UTC  

i agree, shallow and pedantic

2018-02-24 21:24:28 UTC

2018-02-24 21:24:41 UTC  

But bowling alone is interesting, not sure how you can take race from it though

2018-02-24 21:25:58 UTC  

The study came to the conclusion that the more diverse an area the wrose it is socially. This goses for race, religion, ect.

2018-02-24 21:26:48 UTC  

This video also points out some other problems with diversity.

2018-02-24 21:27:54 UTC  

well it seems obvious when you think about it

Diversity means difference

People that are different (in any form) tend to have different interests
People with different interests tend to not have overlapping interests
People with no overlapping interests tend not to hang out and bond/be friends
People tend not to trust people they're not friends with

2018-02-24 21:27:58 UTC  

I’ve also done some reading on the subject and found that a great deal of the social alienation we see today is due to the immediacy and impersonal nature of communication

2018-02-24 21:28:15 UTC  

what Willy said

2018-02-24 21:28:28 UTC  

Gaming is an excellent example

2018-02-24 21:28:50 UTC  

When was the last time you’ve heard someone talk about a LAN party, @Deleted User ?

2018-02-24 21:29:09 UTC  

(Really showing my age with that one, yikes)

2018-02-24 21:30:16 UTC  

thats not exactly an argument,

even online on the internet, people could bond over mocking "lol that nub" and "Lol ur gay" and have fun with it

nowadays you get banned for it so people tend not to talk and bond, they just become silent and defeat an intellectual opponent who might aswell be an AI

2018-02-24 21:30:51 UTC  

Sorry mate that was a bit before my time.

2018-02-24 21:31:01 UTC  

you are young then

2018-02-24 21:31:09 UTC  

Gen Z.

2018-02-24 21:31:14 UTC  


2018-02-24 21:31:21 UTC  


2018-02-24 21:31:33 UTC  

I’m technically Gen. Z, but still

2018-02-24 21:31:35 UTC  


2018-02-24 21:31:59 UTC  

And it’s not meant to be an argument, @Dr.Wol , just an example to illustrate a point

2018-02-24 21:32:43 UTC  

There’s no need to have a LAN party anymore because if I want to play CoD or SSB with my friends, I can just play online with them

2018-02-24 21:32:50 UTC  


2018-02-24 21:32:51 UTC  

In essence, bowl alone

2018-02-24 21:34:06 UTC  

But I see your point, but even bowling leagues have rules people need to abide by. No matter what level of separation between people you put in place, there will still be restrictions on your ability to speak and communicate

2018-02-24 21:34:13 UTC  

the big problem is that everything is made for every single person to partake

removing the gap of "needing friends to bother playing"

which means no one has to interact, so they won't cuz they're shy/don't care

meaning no social interactions

2018-02-24 21:34:21 UTC  

Be it codified “law” or social pressure

2018-02-24 21:34:42 UTC  

Yeah, that’s definitely a huge problem

2018-02-24 21:36:28 UTC  

Why can't the races live in different countires? We can be friends in seperate nations instead of hating each other in the same country.

2018-02-24 21:37:26 UTC  

but why would races matter?

2018-02-24 21:41:31 UTC  

because reasons

2018-02-24 21:41:55 UTC  

Becase the races have different qualities and make diffferent types of socities. If they live to gether they would keep being at each others throughts over how they want a society to be. Homogeneous communities do better and get alone better as blowing alone points out.

2018-02-24 21:42:41 UTC  

what if i fall in love with an asian chick, and we get mixed kids

can we live together? and if not, where do our children go

2018-02-24 21:43:11 UTC  

besides, theres plenty of black people, asians and spanish people that want the same as everyone white

2018-02-24 21:43:35 UTC  

You shouldn't mix the races it's bad for the kids.

2018-02-24 21:44:30 UTC  

who cares about some race mixing push?

If you love someone and you both decide to settle down and have kids

2018-02-24 21:45:02 UTC  

If there are asians, blacks, ect who want a country similar to a white country then they should copy us not live in our countires at our detriment.

2018-02-24 21:45:18 UTC  

and if they're the minority in their country?

2018-02-24 21:45:45 UTC  

they can't just "go somewhere else" cuz lets face it, we explored the world, theres no more "empty no mans country"

2018-02-24 21:45:57 UTC  

they can go to a majorty black, asian, ect country some thing they will have in the future but whites won't.

2018-02-24 21:46:59 UTC  

so if they're the minority in every black/asian/etc country so can't make a change

Your solution for them is to move to a black/asian/etc country where they can make a change despite that there are none

great plan