Message from @alex.
Discord ID: 664329991370178581
but it does
@alex. what about the black people who have been here for gens and have their own vernacular? Is that a display of integration
We lost Hebrew and German
don't be bilingual anymore 😭
@The wall just got 100 ft higher Because the majority of them are not fools that like to commit suicide? must be sad to think a group of people are jsut people with bad intents and are not good at all (100% because some of them did some shady things) It's late so I don't have time to talk to u bafoon about this stuff
it’s value is lost through time
What value is lost
Being bilingual
mainly the language
Being bilingual is useful, the entire world isn't America lol
can I put my oven next to urs @valeriaa 😳
It is cool to be bilingual tho
@Allan_Cruz the Quran says to kill infidels. And that’s what the Muslims follow
Remember they exist lol
retard i’m talking about the us
***the final solution***
How is knowing Spanish useful when you could learn other more used languages, why is the US second most spoken language Spanish?
@personbelowmetriplegay You have hatred and false beliefs in your mind, really. Talk to me next time when you aren't just looking at the bad side of muslims and how you cn find ways to make the majority look bad.
Till then
Nigga Spanish is used for people who aren't from here that's why they speak Spanish
That shouldn't have confused you
Because we live next to Mexico
@Allan_Cruz so now ur saying Islam isn't entirely a religion of peace
now we're making progress
Why are they here when they can't speak English?
it’s nice to learn spanish but it’s not a necessity
Because they can come here
No need to learn Spanish
A minority