Message from @Viper
Discord ID: 666267616930824252
Fuck you
Yee pls
We phone
Me laugh
I want phone sex with viper
We just did
Was very cool
jesus it’s 7am rn why @JesusHand
I showed my dick
He did
It’s not 7am in London
It was cool
It was so hot
ur not at london
I'm not at London
GG @Millerc04, you just advanced to level 10!
I didnt speak
But aight
@Millerc04 did though
viper has dementia
Viper has autismo
That was me btw on call
-df dementia
**dementia**: When you are [sick] of either three-dimensional or two-dimensional [media], so you want to see something [different].
*Whenever I get dementia, I switch from [Super Mario Bros]. to [Super Mario 64], and when I [get sick] of both, I crave a fourth-dimensional Mario game, so now I'll have dementia until Nintendo makes that.*
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Now, O thou heathen since thou art still pernicious and disobediant, and wilt not appear unto me to answer such thing I would have desired of thee, or would have been satisfied in; I do in the name and by the power and dignity of the omnipresent and immortal Lord God of the hosts
is this church
-df sounding
**Sounding**: The practice of inserting plastic or metal 'sounds' (long thin and very [smooth] objects) into yours or someone elses uretha. [Ultimately] leads to streching of the uretha so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be [inserted] in the penis.
*Bob had [sounded] himself so much his girlfriend could [shove] a [tampax] IN his cock.*
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i know i’m playing along
-df coprophagia