Message from @angie!!
Discord ID: 666267782119292948
jesus it’s 7am rn why @JesusHand
I showed my dick
He did
It’s not 7am in London
It was cool
It was so hot
ur not at london
Lol ks voice made me melt
I'm not at London
GG @Millerc04, you just advanced to level 10!
I didnt speak
But aight
@Millerc04 did though
viper has dementia
Viper has autismo
That was me btw on call
-df dementia
**dementia**: When you are [sick] of either three-dimensional or two-dimensional [media], so you want to see something [different].
*Whenever I get dementia, I switch from [Super Mario Bros]. to [Super Mario 64], and when I [get sick] of both, I crave a fourth-dimensional Mario game, so now I'll have dementia until Nintendo makes that.*
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Now, O thou heathen since thou art still pernicious and disobediant, and wilt not appear unto me to answer such thing I would have desired of thee, or would have been satisfied in; I do in the name and by the power and dignity of the omnipresent and immortal Lord God of the hosts
is this church
-df sounding
**Sounding**: The practice of inserting plastic or metal 'sounds' (long thin and very [smooth] objects) into yours or someone elses uretha. [Ultimately] leads to streching of the uretha so that larger objects (such as a finger) can be [inserted] in the penis.
*Bob had [sounded] himself so much his girlfriend could [shove] a [tampax] IN his cock.*
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i know i’m playing along
-df coprophagia
**Coprophagia**: The name of the condition that describes someone who loves to [eat shit]. As in [stools] or [poo poo]. It is occatinally seen in animals and sometimes humans. This is known as "Scat Eating"
*[Essen] mein [sheisse].
[Okey Dokey].*
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Laugh out loud
Iehova tetragammaton, the only creator of heaven, and earth, and hell, and all that is therein who is the marvelous disposer of all things both visible and invisible curse thee, and deprive thee of all thine office, joy and place
Unmute lol k
Fuck you viper