Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 448305943063560192

2018-05-22 02:01:06 UTC  

its called spanish, not mexican. there are differences but its like the differences between american english and british english

2018-05-22 02:01:30 UTC  

most south americans speak portugese anyway

2018-05-22 02:02:17 UTC  

I like how aussie wants to literally take something like the US, and just remove the "outsiders" from the lower economic ranks, add even more ways for people to just leech off the state, just so the lower economic ranks can fill in with white people then acts like this will somehow they don't all act the same, regardless of race.

2018-05-22 02:02:26 UTC  

and yes they do have regional differences from protugal specificly because they are now evolving languages that arnt dependent on communication with eachother anymore just as all romantic languages have their root in latin

2018-05-22 02:02:37 UTC  

If christianity is the only metric for being western then wouldn't most of southern Africa be western?

2018-05-22 02:02:57 UTC  

africa is more western than you might think

2018-05-22 02:03:14 UTC  

i mean we did build everything they have

2018-05-22 02:03:31 UTC  

Grenade I don't want that at all. I think you should find out what national socialism is before you strawman it.

2018-05-22 02:03:53 UTC  

oh, i'm sorry, you don't want the socialism part of nat soc?

2018-05-22 02:04:01 UTC  

I tried getting you to explain it but you just gave me a ven diagram after dodging the question

2018-05-22 02:04:05 UTC  

i dont think this is national socialist problem, its more of a lack of understanding things problem and a lack of empathy problem

2018-05-22 02:04:08 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:04:30 UTC  

i have friends who are national socialists who understand why you cant just get rid of black people in the us

2018-05-22 02:04:45 UTC  

But when the blacks started running the place it became more africanized and is continuing to do so.

2018-05-22 02:04:57 UTC  

sure, its dewesternizing

2018-05-22 02:05:09 UTC  

south america isint

2018-05-22 02:05:10 UTC  

right, because kanye is very African

2018-05-22 02:06:23 UTC  

I can't say for Kenya because I haven't been there but if it's simlar to Tanzania then it's just in the proces of becoming less western every year.

2018-05-22 02:07:08 UTC  

i would seriously argue that the average values of a mexican immigrant are probly closer to that of a traditional american than a member of african american culture

2018-05-22 02:07:27 UTC  

A person is similar to a country?

2018-05-22 02:07:45 UTC  

i said a traditional american, thats not a country is it?

2018-05-22 02:07:52 UTC  

Kanye, not Kenya

2018-05-22 02:07:58 UTC  

oh woops

2018-05-22 02:08:22 UTC  

you know, the Rapper?

2018-05-22 02:08:29 UTC  

Yes because most Mexicans are mixed race or white so of corse their more similar to white Americans then blacks would be.

2018-05-22 02:10:21 UTC  

nigga just because your white doesent mean your a monolith just the same as being mexican does not make being a mexican a monolith. their blood has very little to do with why they are culturally very similar to americans, the reason they are culturally very similar to amercians is because their infastructure is western, their religion is western, their political system is western, their language is western. it doesent have shit to do with their genetics

2018-05-22 02:11:00 UTC  

I disagree with you biology is the most important thing.

2018-05-22 02:11:36 UTC  

of course it is, because without it its almost like your whole world view falls apart.

2018-05-22 02:11:48 UTC  

just like without victim classes, an SJW's world view falls apart

2018-05-22 02:11:58 UTC  

Yes that is very true.

2018-05-22 02:12:17 UTC  

genetics predisposes certain characteristics not ALL characteristics. its like your chemical make up. one races chemical make up is different than another HOWEVER chemicals dont have any reaction unless you put them in an envirnment with other forces or chemicals to react with. the envirnment of mexico is western to the extent any genetic predisposition they have is practicly ineffectual to their value system

2018-05-22 02:13:13 UTC  

it much easier to explain why some people of a certain race succeed is because they assimilate into the culture rather than try to explain why suddenly genetics just ceased to an issue

2018-05-22 02:14:35 UTC  

White Mexicans are western becuase they are capable and alot of south America seems western because most countries in south America are run by white people but the mixed race and other races in south America aren't and don't want to be.

2018-05-22 02:14:39 UTC  

aussie you realize that african americans are very different than africans? and americans are very different than europeans, like europeans complain about us americans and how differnt we are all the damn time

2018-05-22 02:15:24 UTC  

Yes I know African Americans have some European admixture while blacks in Africa don't.

2018-05-22 02:15:59 UTC  

nigga they arnt white mexicans or white south americans, they are just mexicans and south americans. the only amount of white running those places is the cia and americans economy because we built up industry way before they did because we had better oppertunitys

2018-05-22 02:16:19 UTC  

african americans are very differnt than south africans

2018-05-22 02:16:30 UTC  

its culture, not race

2018-05-22 02:16:56 UTC  

I disagree with you there, because culture is downstream from race.

2018-05-22 02:17:26 UTC  

that doesent make race a more powerful force of determining social characteristics

2018-05-22 02:17:39 UTC  

I think it is.