Message from @Arch-Fiend

Discord ID: 448311835322744852

2018-05-22 02:23:52 UTC  

that doesn't work nearly as nicely with genetics as it does with culture

2018-05-22 02:24:38 UTC  

because what are the chances a black guy born in Detroit would assimilate so well and become so successful from a gene pool like that?

2018-05-22 02:24:55 UTC  

Europen culture behind the iron curtain survived because it still had Europeans their not foreigners.

2018-05-22 02:25:18 UTC  

I don't care about one person I care about the average.

2018-05-22 02:25:43 UTC  

We aren't dealing with one or two people we are dealing with millions of people.

2018-05-22 02:26:32 UTC  

im tired of this arguement, you choose to think as you do reguardless of reason or evidence. you attribute to race things which dont actually consistantly apply simply because you have some people who agree with you and you and they can both misunderstand the recent findings in genetics about the importants of race and overblow it. as a race realist myself aussie i dont think you actually understand anything about genetics except simple concepts lacking the nuance of statistics behind them that simply reinforce your own opinion. you think you know something, that makes you more foolish than someone who knows nothing at all

2018-05-22 02:26:42 UTC  

thats not how genetics work.

2018-05-22 02:27:03 UTC  

if i don't have the redhead gene, i cannot give birth to a redhead

2018-05-22 02:27:24 UTC  

I don't think it's going anywhere so we can agree to disagree.

2018-05-22 02:28:10 UTC  

also if you fuck a minorty population enough it will forget its not your ethnicity, just sayin

2018-05-22 02:28:17 UTC  

worked for the romans

2018-05-22 02:28:35 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:29:02 UTC  

theres a reason theres so many white people finding out they have mixed heritige

2018-05-22 02:29:28 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:29:30 UTC  

white people really are the sluts of the human race

2018-05-22 02:29:49 UTC  

"both of his parents came from large families in rural Georgia, and they were living in rural Tennessee when they met and married. Carson's mother was 13 and his father was 28 when they married, and after his father finished his military service, they moved from Chattanooga, Tennessee to Detroit"

2018-05-22 02:30:00 UTC  

were more empathic than other genetic populations on average

2018-05-22 02:30:32 UTC  

"here they lived in a large house in the Indian Village neighborhood.[19] Carson's older brother, Curtis, was born in 1949, when his mother was 20."

2018-05-22 02:30:48 UTC  

it was a different time

2018-05-22 02:31:02 UTC  

sure sounds like the kind of gene pool that would produce the American dream black person by aussie's standard

2018-05-22 02:31:10 UTC  

also tennessee is hill billy country so

2018-05-22 02:31:24 UTC  

i know because im north of them

2018-05-22 02:31:48 UTC  

i know its hill billy country. so is rural Georgia.

2018-05-22 02:32:14 UTC  

actually georgia isint, its more swamp than hill

2018-05-22 02:32:38 UTC  


2018-05-22 02:32:55 UTC  

but i'm just trying to prove a point that the chances of there being recessive genes in that gene pool to produce a, by aussie's standards, genetically inferior person that would become better than most if not all white people in his field is crazy low

2018-05-22 02:33:55 UTC  

like, middle name of Solomon? rural area of Georgia?

2018-05-22 02:34:08 UTC  

grew up in Detroit?

2018-05-22 02:34:27 UTC  

he doesn't care about a single person because it makes it so hard to explain biological race being a thing rather than culture

2018-05-22 02:36:52 UTC  

also true. i should say Georgia and Tennessee are both redneck country

2018-05-22 02:39:31 UTC  

i think the key components of culture is family, neighbers, and nation, from most important to least important. race has some effect on all 3 of those to some degree but its a minor one. no geneticist worth their degree will tell you they can predict who someone will be by looking at their genes, they can only predict the phenotypical characteristics of the body. the problem with the argument for genetic predeterminism is the degree to which the human brain of all races requires new information post birth to be added to it in order to form the person they will be in combitation with the information and functionality of that human brain. genetics can give you different human brains however the individuals those brains produce are testamount to the potental of those genetic blueprents when you add the factor of culture to the person

2018-05-22 02:40:01 UTC  

also, if things are genetic, why are the people who most often subscribe to aussie's ideology usually white-trash trailer park material?

2018-05-22 02:40:19 UTC  

i mean, we are talking about averages here, not a specific person, right?

2018-05-22 02:41:03 UTC  

must have been the years of inbreeding since the Hitler's prime time to "keep the race pure"

2018-05-22 02:42:05 UTC  

doesent matter your race, your mostly human, and mostly humans have mostly the same patitial for personality types and information storage as such most humans reguardless of genetics are far more impacted by culture than genetics. 99.8% of their genes are simply to make them the same species as eachother to think the .2% outweighs their entire life is rediculous

2018-05-22 02:43:19 UTC  

i think the impact race has on how one deals with culture on a social level is actually more important than the effect race has on the building blocks of being a person

2018-05-22 02:43:46 UTC  

growing up and the only heroes people are talking about around you bieng white and your black i think has more impact

2018-05-22 02:44:39 UTC  

only if you grow up in a culture that emphasis that difference.

2018-05-22 02:45:47 UTC  

if you grow up in a culture in which that is not really even pointed out, then it would be like all my heroes having brown eyes and i have blue.

2018-05-22 02:45:54 UTC  

doesn't make a difference

2018-05-22 02:46:41 UTC  

eh i dont think so. if the culture does empahsis that difference then it will have a greater effect but even one who doesent people slip through the gaps