Message from @Grenade123
Discord ID: 449227793092313099
the subs and bells are shit
the solution I'm doing is removing less relevant youtubers
@.B aggregator site?
because the ones I most watch are disappearing from my feed
Doing so would seem counterproductive to the long term well being of YT but they wouldn't be the first company to shoot themselves in the foot
honestly i havent had any problem with my subbox
i can't help but feel youtube is trying to tackle political problems and then getting everyone caught in their crossfire, leading to more problems.
i know some people talk about being unsubbed or not seeing videos in their sub (which i sometimes have seen with metokur videos)
@Grenade123 imagine I do I site where you can subscribe creators, and I show you your sub box. But when you watch the video it's on youtube, the site works just as an aggregator
but most of the time im not having any problems
@.B how does the aggregator site make money to keep itself online
content creators have to pay to use it
ads, an aggregator site is cheap to keep up anyway
or that
I'm going to Japan in 1 week. When I settle I might work on that
though i dont think it would be all that unatractive for content creators to pay a small amount to use it
Matt Drudge/Drudge Report is probably one of the "biggest" aggregators that I am aware of
though I'm getting a lot of offers related to Blockchain 🤔
maybe work on a two fold approach. make an aggregator site for viewing, and one for uploading. Maybe charge for the uploader, run adds on the aggregator
@Arch-Fiend you can't promote an aggregator initially if you asks for people to pay it
it also reduces the value of YT's subscription, as the aggregator subs rise in relevance
if you make it one button click to upload a video to say youtube and bitchute at the same time, and the tool handles filling out descriptions and title boxes, all that jazz
I wouldn't do it embedded
the idea is simply to fix the subscription problem and visibility of what people want to see
so i need to visit one site, just to then go visit another site?
that's what an aggregator is, pretty much
why not skip the middle man? i mean, part of the problem is that subs don't know they have missed a video, and so long as you can still go to a person page and look at the last upload (which may soon not work on youtube), why would i go to this other site?
remember, people are lazy
too many clicks and people get annoyed
UI design 101
@Grenade123 if you have 50 subs, do you go to their channels one by one?
I don't
see the only problem i have with an aggregator is do people even know what they are anymore? like the idea is to fight the hidding of content on youtube by youtube, and youtube isint just where videos are uploaded but its also the biggest aggregator for videos in the world besides like the video section on google when you search. so how does an aggragator actually increase growth? advertising the aggragator?
the idea was just to fix the visibility issue
not the ad revenue
yeah i just asked about the visibility issue
depending on the volume of people in the aggregator, it can start paying creators for viewers that come from there
the main way aggragators work is sub sharing