Message from @PastamanXLII
Discord ID: 452706783622856714
Except steel-manning is generally considered something honorable to do in debate
its not exactly honorable, its just better to do, because you are taking down the strongest form of their argument, which is hard to beat
How isn't it honorable to challenge the most charitable take of something?
I can't think of a single situation where granting your opponent's premise before dismantling it on it's own terms isn't top class debate.
oh, its top class, but honor doesn't have anything to do with. Its just the best way to win.
It's not something I'd consider dishonorable.
that doesn't make it honorable. i'm just saying it has nothing to do with honor
i guess you could say it is honorable in the sense it is the opposite of straw man, which is usually dishonorable.
Well, yeah, that's generally the premise I was going with.
You technically CAN win a debate on a strawman, if you disguise it well enough
but really, its just the best tactic to win an argument. because you are attacking their argument in its strongest form, which means that anything less is also debunked.
It's still safe to say honorable and best tactic are not mutually exclusive.
And to say that's the easiest way to win, it really isn't.
i guess, i just don't see it having anything to do with respect.
i didn't say easiest, i said best.
Fair enough
It's the hard path. If it were easy, everyone would do it for every issue.
its hard, but its a knock out punch.
and could be the shortest path to victory
for the people complaining about that vice thing, its probably fake but generated when they did try blocking archive sites, since then archive sites have updated how they do things to get around the blocks.... but above all this is shitposting if you're upset because someone's perpertrating a hoax you're forgetting which channel you're in.
Well, I mean, you can't post it to Fake News or the Newsroom. this is by default the place people link stuff
But I hear you. I'm more concerned with the fact that it's being shared on low-tier news sites as true.
this guy is so politically illiterate its amazing anyone takes him seriously... yet 16k retweets and 62k likes
>test dog food on animals
>test shaving cream on animals
>test pen ink on animals
what the actual fuck
>test baking soda on animals