Message from @Flavor Screech
Discord ID: 260161505918451713
meme in the shade
Yes, I rather watch al jahzera that msm
He's looks like he's trying to stay warm
The Alt-Right + Enemies of Globalism
Alt+Right Extra
When a liberal repeats a Talking Point from the Left I just ask, "Where'd you get that? (laugh out loud) Friend! You have to stop watching MSM until you figure out what is going on (laugh again." I believe that liberals are related to Narcissists, and THEY HATE to be laughed at.
The Alt-Right is just like Right and Left
Right can be a Capitalist to a Neo-Nazi
Left can be an Average Liberal to a Communist.
Alt-Right simply is everything on the right that isn't in the Establishment Globalist Right.
Ever is correct on the origin of "alt right" term.
Both come from Germans
Damn Germans
Georges Sorel is the due
he didnt be a historian for nothings
it did, it started under the French Revolution
Thanks Ever.
The Alt-Right is /every/ person who isn't Establishment Conservative.
Alt right: 1. No degeneracy, 2. A nice white neighborhood, and 3. Joos suck.
Disagree Austin. Milo AIN'T alt right.
@Jossi does it work now?
yes, thanks
I don't think people know what a free market is. The USA has crony capitalism
I agree
The USA MSM media is no only the 4th state
*no longer
Greg Johnson of Counter Currents had good articles on alternative economics
Alt right: 1. No degeneracy, 2. A nice white neighborhood, and 3. Joos suck.
@Flavor Screech 😎
I was just throwing out a possible alt rght definition.
I was wondering what the "Alt Right" was all about and when did this come about 🤔