Message from @The Enlightened Shepherd
Discord ID: 260185051369701376
You can mute mic
@Nadie you can listen
I have for the moment
just listen to his twitch
oy vey
shut it down
hm looks like my mic isn't working
the goyyim know
In our country, weapon was the most valuable possesion of the house. It was never given to anyone, surrendered or used on women
nope heimat
oh ok im just not cueing up then
It picks out the strongest men though
wrong channel @Nadie
'Bad idea @Father Chad
"Official Hangout"
Official hangut
Offiial Hangover
I'm btw.
The ratio might be 60/40
not an idea im presenting as ideal just bringing up the topic @Flavor Screech
I'm pretty offensive I suppose
come in the voice channel @James Egoist
hang on, i'm back and for in the kitchen right now I will try to figure this out in a sec
@Father Chad cool
moved ya @Nadie
hey nadie welcome to the shitstorm
dude - Streaming #GabDiscussion
The industrialization killed te family
No, that was feminism.
Yeh but Industrialization didn't help
Feminism and family courts and government largesse killed the family.
Crush the urbanites!