Message from @Ottobon
Discord ID: 504847007240945674
I swear I saw one in this discord already
Yeah this is in this channel if you scroll up. From @Atkins
oh no
@DrWittMDPhD still looks more legit than the ones that got sent
Pocket pussy is a nice touch
Does that make it a shaped charge?
That's the detonation device. When the dildo goes in the fleshlight
Boom boom happens
Orange Man Kill Dems
Fuck man.
So it looks like Twitter just purged a bunch of NPCs again
My account and every NPC account I retweeted seems to be gone
Some are definitely still there though, I don't exactly see a trend
jesus twitter is retarded
@da britian i dono if you can support me on this or not, but the thing that blows my mind about any of these debates is peoples inability to separate fictional fantasies from real life fantasies, ability to have fantasies with no relation to real life. Like apparently there is a huge block of people who have no ability to abstract, or deny the ability to abstract while fantazing and can only imagine real life shit. As a example of a different but comparable subject, im fairly sure most people who fap to vore don't want to get eaten or eat people (rare exceptions ofc, but those exceptions would of existed regardless imo.)
No, probably not his fault.
I'm going with the gays.
Polls Against Humanity
you guys want the source or nah?
It might be less magical if we had sauce
hence my asking b4 posting
Hence me responding to your asking.
no sauce then
the homosexual agenda included destroying everything with a hurricane to rebuild society
it's a fact
@FunnyStarRunner ok gayman
m a g n u m h o m o s e x
remember when the chinese played ARK for the sole purpose of holding players hostage