Message from

Discord ID: 658790778327269377

2019-12-23 21:28:21 UTC  

-warn @le pigg ugly

2019-12-23 21:28:21 UTC  

The command returned an error: Can't use moderation commands on users ranked the same or higher than you

2019-12-23 21:29:13 UTC  

-df nigga

2019-12-23 21:29:13 UTC  

**Nigga**: A word that only black people use to call there [homies] if a [white person] uses it they are in some [deep shit]
*John: What is up [my nigga]

[Sean]:What the fuck did you say

*(<>)* *9 more results*

2019-12-23 21:29:22 UTC  


2019-12-23 21:29:46 UTC  


2019-12-23 21:29:46 UTC  

2019-12-23 21:33:44 UTC  
2019-12-23 21:33:44 UTC  

2019-12-23 21:33:44 UTC  

GG @beyond_gravity, you just advanced to level 37!

2019-12-23 21:34:06 UTC  

Who is this person

2019-12-23 21:34:13 UTC  

Why did they annoy the owner

2019-12-23 21:34:46 UTC  

we was muted earlier by chat killer i think

2019-12-23 21:34:49 UTC  

!kick @Tommy Robinson don’t ping the owner for no reason

2019-12-23 21:34:50 UTC  

2019-12-23 21:35:03 UTC  

that works <a:SaberDance:597854129855135769>

2019-12-23 21:40:07 UTC  

**HEY @Tommy Robinson WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 21:42:03 UTC  

1 year

2019-12-23 21:42:23 UTC

2019-12-23 21:59:21 UTC  

-tr <@636311340402606121>

2019-12-23 21:59:21 UTC  

Took away `1` Rep from **Poop** (current: `#9` - `34`)

2019-12-23 22:04:45 UTC  

**HEY @Cheecus Hand WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 22:11:32 UTC  

**HEY @yesyesyesyes WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 22:15:19 UTC  

**HEY <@501157496350572564> WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 22:47:01 UTC  
2019-12-23 22:47:01 UTC  

Took away `1` Rep from **Zanoillord123** (current: `#3` - `87`)

2019-12-23 22:53:08 UTC  

-tr @rory

2019-12-23 22:53:08 UTC  

Took away `1` Rep from **Rorgod** (current: `#2` - `88`)

2019-12-23 23:01:36 UTC  

**HEY @Hiswaysofman WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 23:15:24 UTC  

**HEY <@658730425685901324> WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-23 23:38:30 UTC  

**HEY @Aizawa WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-24 00:05:43 UTC  

**HEY @akaria WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-24 00:06:24 UTC  
2019-12-24 00:06:24 UTC  

Took away `1` Rep from **Zanoillord123** (current: `#3` - `86`)

2019-12-24 00:09:47 UTC  

**HEY @Aizawa WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-24 00:10:07 UTC  


for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)

2019-12-24 00:14:55 UTC  

-tr @rory

2019-12-24 00:14:56 UTC  

Took away `1` Rep from **Rorgod** (current: `#2` - `87`)

2019-12-24 00:34:36 UTC  

-unmute @John Brook

2019-12-24 00:34:36 UTC  

🔊 Unmuted `John Brook#0512`

2019-12-24 00:36:18 UTC  

**HEY <@437069190856310795> WELCOME TO NEWS and POLITICS! :wave: **

for ``ROLES`` go to <#508204267631411200>
for ``RULES INFO and HELP`` go to <#508200317737762820>
(be sure to read pinned messages in channel)