Message from @Dragontackle
Discord ID: 690673474020048907
Gang shit
That guy sounds like such a bitch sending you an sms telling you to not be a nationalist
@Sorcize yo is Pete here ?
@Mad bro? no
Pete Za
Damn now I’m starvin
First name Pete
Last name Za meanwhile in russia
@naka that’s a Mexicans dream car
Almost as good as the rubber chicken exhaust
Suburu owners destroyed
I was thinking about gettin a Subaru
What’s the most redpilled car in 2020
I’m abt to get a new job
Idk what it was 2 months ago but now it may be the tesla s with that bioweapon defense mode
Suzuki Samurai
@everyone , GiftFromGod is live on DLive!
Damn it’s literally happening
theres a lot of good ones
lol so JF is debating Molymeme
who cares
two people i don't give a dick's ass about
Funny that mike voted McCain in 2008, I think he's one of those boomer fiscally conservative types though.
@everyone I just found a Russian webcomic about literal cyberpunk nazbols