Message from @Sad

Discord ID: 694202460125921370

2020-03-30 14:57:31 UTC  

rona was an inert agent added in chinese produced vape juice that activated when you stopped smoking it

2020-03-30 15:03:40 UTC  

I responded to another degenerate in the youtube comment section again 😩 a single beacon shedding light on degeneracy.

2020-03-30 15:04:24 UTC  

I channeled my disgust into an essay.

2020-03-30 15:04:54 UTC  

Ill never forget the time I got some sped to write a decade long essay when I commented "BPD isnt real"

2020-03-30 15:06:12 UTC  

Quite proud of it really, although it's probably time wasted.

2020-03-30 15:06:34 UTC  

Boi pussi destroyer

2020-03-30 15:06:36 UTC  

Thats me

2020-03-30 15:07:05 UTC  

Discord is shit for remotely large files or formatting.

2020-03-30 15:07:28 UTC  

Paste the paragraph

2020-03-30 15:07:30 UTC  


2020-03-30 15:08:29 UTC  

If it's too large discord just turns it into a .txt file. I wasn't lying when I said it turned into essay lengths, I got a bit carried away.

2020-03-30 15:10:55 UTC  

I can paste it in pieces if people don't mind the spam, I suppose it isn't any different than the shitposting.

2020-03-30 15:11:10 UTC  

How do you fail to miss the broader point being made here? I'm talking about society at large, this incident is just a natural springboard from which to comment on these matters.

Yes, very bold of me to assume when a mother looks their newborn in their eyes that they'd wish this 'lifestyle' for their child, I weep for you if you typed that with a straight face. It always strikes me how everyone who defends this leaps to only consideration of physical dangers. And not the personal emotional anguish that comes with engaging in this degeneracy.

2020-03-30 15:11:19 UTC  

It's not only bad for the women who engage in this, it's bad for everyone. It poisons the culture children grow up in and that they look to for how to behave, as they mirror their fellow citizens in order to play fair by everyone else in this societal contract we are born into. Digital prostitutes and prostitutes alike are most self-selecting by virtue of their inborn temperaments and personalities, so I'll speak to the ones I care about, that of those who aren't predisposed but who may drift off into this by some dark twist of fate. Their view of intimacy will be distorted and warped as they blur the lines of it so readily and profusely that they lose the sharing in emotions and actions that are only theirs and their partners to see, the sharing of each other's bodies, a special bond that's no one else's and only theirs.
The breakdown in trust between partners, the lacking of a solid foundation as the line is constantly blurred so much that anything can become permitted and justified eventually.

2020-03-30 15:11:29 UTC  

The nurturing of secure bonds free from needless doubt. And all this is before the prospects of family formation come into being, what family life and upbringing is this to bring a child into? Are children to mirror this and see it as what's good and right, would you want to see this in your mother and father growing up? Would you encourage it in them? How about your nieces, sisters, cousins, would you encourage this as acceptable if they were in the very room you are reading this message in, Would you honestly want this life for them? Because you're ultimately advocating the same for others' family members when you promote and justify its normalisation and allow it to be permissible. These are more consequentialist arguments since I know religious appeals would obviously fall on deaf ears, sadly. It's the monetisation of moral and societal decay. My words go for men as well, it's just as wrong for them to engage in this behaviour, and to encourage it. I only use women in my example because of the catalyst for this discussion in this instance.

2020-03-30 15:11:42 UTC  

Something being not currently the apparent zeitgeist or 'outdated' in society doesn't follow that it's wrong still, it's possible for masses of people to be wrong about something, like what you might think yourself if you were transplanted 100 years back in time. I don't subscribe to the whig, end of history nonsense.

2020-03-30 15:11:51 UTC  

I feel sympathy for those that fall into it due to sex trafficking, coercion through threats and act of violence, I recognise this, as I alluded to above, thankfully it is mostly self-selecting amongst the dysfunctional. Fun and 'easy money' are not to be ends unto themselves, it's the promotion and revelling in avarice, hedonism and licentiousness.

2020-03-30 15:12:01 UTC  

You do realise that you live in a civilisation, don't you? No man is an island. Permissiveness of this ripples through society and promotes dysfunction, misery, poor life outcomes, preventable suicides. The ruin of empires and the ruin of the individual. Society loses sense of its place in history and the future, lost in self-actualisation and hyper-individualism, forgetting that future generations depend on you and your actions in this life. Your labour, the flourishing and health of families, virtuous examples to follow that inspire good and right behaviour, that which you'd wish to see in your family members, friends, community member and wider society, behaviour that promotes their prosperity and legacy.

2020-03-30 15:12:10 UTC  

To follow on from the wider societal effects. To want to see clear and solid foundations for trust and intimacy to build from without unneeded blurring and poisoning. Funny you should say that there is ample evidence of her being one of these self-selected types, examples of cheating on former lovers, the uttering of terrible opinions, lying, stealing. Not exactly an ambassador for your crusade.
Maybe not to you, but certainly for others it matters greatly, as you are not decoupled from society and others, you may not like it but you don't exist in a vacuum, and your actions and words have consequences for everyone else who cares about society 100s, 1000s of years from now. Monogamy is the healthy foundation for family formation, and the furthering of lineage and legacy, the subverting of these social norms is a direct affront and thus bad for this reason alone, though there are many others.

2020-03-30 15:12:20 UTC  

I was speaking to the self-respecting women from their respective socio-economic backgrounds who don't feel the need to debase themselves and who live a good, healthy, pro-social life like everyone else. Your examples are profiteers of human vice and dysfunction and are to be shunned, again, the market is not the arbiter of what counts as success or what is good and what should be emulated.
Oh, I assure you, I feel just as much animus towards those who pay for it and create the demand for it, this doesn't excuse the actions of those who provide the supply. And I'd strongly disagree for reasons already mentioned, you're knowingly subverting healthy social norms of current and future generations.

2020-03-30 15:12:44 UTC  

In this one instance, I agree with the internalised misogyny line of putative progressives. Again with the free will and self-actualisation as ends unto themselves. There is more at stake in life than your next dopamine rush and your totally 'cool' and 'awesome' individuality, I'm glad we can tear down the social fabric of society to accommodate your caprices.
`12. Injecting heroin has immediate negative health effects for the injector (however, I still wouldn't tell a couple to stop doing it if they both really feel like doing it). Posting your photos online in exchange for money has literally zero negatives though, and is not a fair comparison to heroin. If two people consent to something happening that has zero negative effects on themselves or others (which is the case with Ian and his girlfriend) then whatever `

I'll just let your comment here speak for itself. I'm sure people will find themselves inspired by your judgement.

2020-03-30 15:13:09 UTC  

Tolerance is not synonymous with approval, and tolerance can wear thin fast. Yes, most people don't understand my points because they are morons, who think themselves clever because they parrot the opinions of the New York Times, university professors and admins getting fat of the poor souls who go into debt to imbibe this tripe and their ever beloved 'progressive' avatars. I can assure you it very much is a big 'fucking' deal, and time will vindicate me, as it has done so in former civilisations in their end times. What strikes me is that all your, and most everyone else's arguments, all stem from this hyper-individualism view, that only has a time horizon of the next 5 years. I suspect this is what partially mediates white liberal birth rates being so low. Don't fret, people of my view will carry the torch of civilisation when people of your view are done with the chasing of your next rush. Adieu!

2020-03-30 15:13:53 UTC  

Sorry for spam, length, and the veering into reddit tier, I just felt rage and my eyes saw red when responding to this slag in the comments.

2020-03-30 15:13:56 UTC  

I wouldnt waste that much time

2020-03-30 15:14:06 UTC  

Id just own them simple as

2020-03-30 15:15:46 UTC  

`(however, I still wouldn't tell a couple to stop doing it if they both really feel like doing it)` I honestly couldn't get over this one.

2020-03-30 15:15:52 UTC  

What a gem.

2020-03-30 15:16:20 UTC  

Over heroin injections.

2020-03-30 15:21:05 UTC  

I had normie onlookers in mind when responding, hence the more restrained approach.

2020-03-30 15:39:29 UTC

2020-03-30 16:21:21 UTC  
2020-03-30 16:32:05 UTC  

So to sum it up:
>ritual blood magic somewhat real but info is intentionally obscured and hidden.
>elites use old politicians like Clinton as puppets while they prepare to unleash massive death and destruction in the form of a plague in blood/blood supply
>lord over plebs bc they’re broken and degernate
>literally feed on blood like vampires
>turbo autist drunpf fucks their shit
>banished to hell?

2020-03-30 16:32:14 UTC  

Very old euro

2020-03-30 17:30:03 UTC  

is shawn ever gonna stream again

2020-03-30 17:30:34 UTC  

So college kids claimed as dependent by their parents don’t get Trumpbux? Sorry zoomer, this is real life, the boomer gets your money

2020-03-30 17:30:48 UTC  


2020-03-30 17:31:01 UTC  

Haha lol

2020-03-30 17:31:16 UTC  

I still get my $1200 so idgaf